Hello everybody,

several weeks ago we set up an experimental Mandrake web forum that
was intended to get as many ideas as possible about what the future
Linux-Mandrake systems should be. This forum was intended to have a
very short life (one week). As those discussions were a frank success,
this lead us to the idea that the users need to tell MandrakeSoft
their feelings about Mandrake. That's the reason why we have:

- reinstalled this system with a dedicated name
- converted it into a general Mandrake news site where people can post
stories like in Slashdot, and post comments

I'm inviting you to take a look at it again, and especially to choose
a new name for it. Several names are already available, such as:
mandrakeforum.com or mymandrake.org. Which one do *you* prefer?

Vote now on: http://forum.mandrakesoft.com



PS Due to the recent new KDE2 beta packages that are available on the
same server, the forum can be slow sometimes. 
< Gael DUVAL http://www.mandrake.com >

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