Hi all......
I posted last week about the lack of functionality of the Alcatel Speedtouch 330 USB ADSL modem under 10 OE.
I have tried everything to get it to work. With no success!
It works fine under 9.2 and 10 CE, so why not 10 OE?
Can anybody throw any further pointers at me?
I have tried the 9.2 and 10 CE RPM's, in the hope that it worked under those 2 editions, it should work under 10 OE... not the case!
Would there be any logs to indicate where the problems lie?
I'm getting no error messages when I try to boot in terminal (./speedtouch.sh start), just the red failure mesage.
Normally, on boot/network start, both lights on the modem begin to flash, with the USB light coming a steady green, then the ADSL light will come a steady green when connected. Now, the USB flashes, and the ADSL goes a solid yellow, and thats that.
Help, I havent got much hair, but at this rate, I'll be totally bald!
Many thanks,

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