
  After having struggled for some days trying to get my Crystal
Audio (CS4236B) working, I'd finally succeeded by using
/sbin/sndconfig with the first of the ESS modules & then using
drakconf to configure specifically for CCrystal PnP Audio System
CODEC (CS4232) module.

  Things were great for days.  Then, last night, I went to listen
to an mp3 & found it wouldn't play -- it just repeated the first
noise over & over.  After removing & reinstalling xmms, I'd
opened kmp3 to get the same.  Next, I tried RealPlayer.
RealPlayer could manage to move continually, but very slowly.  I
tried a couple of radio stations I like off the Web & got nasty
clicks & inconsistant flow.

  I then opened drakconf to find that my sound settings were off.
I reset them & no change.  I tried running /sbin/sndconfig's ESS
& it wouldn't work.  I even tried ~every~ listing in sndconfig
which offered irq 11 (& quite a few others which didn't on
differet irq settings) -- still nothing.

  What could cause this, & how might I fix it?


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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