
My Linux bootup seems to only recognize my CDROM drive when it feels like it,
apparently.  I noticed this morning for the first time I could mount it and
view files on it.  Now I've booted up several more times and hdc is not
recognized.  The CDROM is there in my linuxconf just the same.

Here's what it says during bootup when it is recognized:

hdc: Atapi 20x CD ROM drive 20k cache (or something like that--it goes by too
fast for me to remember)
hard linked hdc to /dev/cdrom

--and ONCE when it said this, I was able to mount it.

And if I don't get that during bootup, then I get this when I try to mount it:

Could not mountError log:
mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/cdrom as a block device (maybe
'insmod driver'?)

By the way, it is a 24x CD-ROM drive, not a 20x.

I don't know where to start for what other information to give you, so just ask
what else will help you diagnose the problem.  I'm clueless!


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