On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, you wrote:
> On Wednesday 27 December 2000 05:00, you wrote:
> > Bringup a terminal...su to root...then type
> >
> > kpackage
> >
> > it's still in the version...just not in the menu.
> and rather broken till you reach KDE2.01
> Civileme

        Thank you for the prompt reply.  My question was unclearly worded, for which 
I apologize.  Your suggestion of using KPackage would probably have worked if 
the disk had an rpm package on it, but it does not.  It is rather a 
directory with half a billion files, and a setup script, and I needed to get 
Linux connected with the script.  I finally gave up on the non-existent icons 
on KDE, and loaded (rebooted?) Gnome.  Violia!  Something called Midnight 
Commander had an icon on the desktop which connected me with my whole HD, 
even the Win95 partitions.  There was also a CDrom entry visible as a 
subdirectory of /mnt, from which I could double click on the setup script, 
and all worked out.
        I realize most of the talk of graphical environments has been concerning 
KDE, but for this newbie, Gnome came through.


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