Hi all.

Those of you that know me know that I've only been with Linux a few months
now... and my learning curve has grown exponentially in that time.  I
started with Mandrake 5.2 (2.0.36) / KDE 1.0 and have upgraded
systematically since - I am now using 2.2.3-ac4 and KDE 1.1 with the latest
packages to boot.

I fear that since I had to force a few installs in the past via RPM, and
that I am still not totally familiar with directory structures (read:
half-assed, jury-rigged installs <grin>), that I have, for lack of a better
word, a tons of crap on my hard drive.  My God, the source code for
2.2.3ac-4 takes up like 50+ megs!  ;)

Reason I'm asking is that, other than being a tidy guy that organizes on a
regular basis, I also have my install on a 450 meg hard drive - not that I
don't have access to about 6 gigs in other mount points, but you get the

Any suggestions on how I can freshen up my installation, short of starting
from scratch?  Also, I know that, by nature, ext2 is efficient, but is there
a defrag program out there?

Thanks for your help.



Paul A. Bernicchi
ICQ #1287814

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