I wonder if anyone can help me get my sound FX-3D sound card to work under LINUX
-- or alternatively, suggest a low cost card which will work well in both LINUX
and Windows and be simple to configure in both systems.

I have an Acer FX-3D sound card.  If I type sndconfig as root  the probe does not
anything.  However there is a selection:
AD1816 (Acer FX-3D, HP Kayak).

If I type OK, I get a table with a heading which says "Please adjust the settings
to match the dip switch settings on your  sound card" , from which to select
various options (I took the card out and could not find any DIP switches. All it
says on the card is AD1816  FX-3D.

 I/O Port              IRQ               DMA  1             DMA  2

0x530                   5                   0                         0
0x534                   7                   1                         1
0x604                   9                   3                         3
0xe80                  10

 I had printed out the system settings from Windows 98 for all the
 devices.  I have the following information which seems relevant:

 Class: Sound, video and Game controllers
 Device: Acer FX-3D Sound Controller
       IRQ:  05
       I/O:   0220h-022Fh
       I/O:   0388h-038Bh
       I/O:   0100h-010Fh
       DMA: 01
       DMA: 00

 I am not sure what to select (I assume IRQ 5, DMA 1, DMA 0), especially
 for the I/O.  I tried a couple of different ones, but got the following
 error when I tried a sample sound:

The following error occurred running the modprobe program:

 : init_module: Device or resource busy

(I get the same type of message on booting with this the only item [FAILED]
 Typing OK puts me back to the message saying no PnP or PCI sound cards
 found in your system.)  I tried every I/O selection with IRQ 5 and DMA 1, DMA 0
and a few other combinations with every otehr IRQ listed, all with the same
result.  I have not yet exhaustively checked every possible combination.

Thanks to anyone who can help me.

Murray Strome

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