Re: [newbie] Fwd: New column

2001-07-22 Thread Michael Falzon

Hi Randy
 Good one man this is cool

If you keep this going a i have copy sent to me (
I'm a old bbs sysop ( ) that has a lot of linux user that
need my
help but i not as good as i make out to be :-
this wound help me out i don have a mailing list server ( if you need a hand
get this out )
( i have to pay by the mb so i'll see what i can do :- )

Michael Falzon
Last Of The BBs Sysop
Mozy's Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBs
Gremlin Consultancy P/L
405 Francis Street
Brooklyn, Vic  Australia 3025
Ph:  61+ 393153855
Fax: 61+393151585
mobile: 0419235363
Registered Linux user #204397

- Original Message -
From: Randy Donohoe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 9:54 AM
Subject: [newbie] Fwd: New column

 --  Forwarded Message  --
 Subject: New column
 Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 18:18:03 -0400
 From: Randy Donohoe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm writing to ask your help in evaluating a column I'm considering
 submitting to some sites and newspapers. The column is called The
 Curve, and is basically a tutorial on Linux for the raw beginner.
 There's help for the beginner out there now, but it's so fragmented
 it's frustrating at best. If you don't live near a college that teaches
 Linux, have friends running it, or have a LUG in your area the learning
 curve is a nasty one. I picked these lists because I've belonged to
 all of them in my whole eight months of Linux usage, consider them
 fair, and are a more serious forum than the chat rooms. I know some of
 you could care less if the community attracts the mainstream, but due
 to attrition and stagnation it's a necessity, and besides, maybe other
 people like me, who live in the middle of nowhere, would like some
 fellow users to commiserate with. If you don't want to use list
 resources to help or flame me, use [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Randy Donohoe

   The Curve
  by Randy Donohoe

 A Beginner's Guide To Linux  Proficiency

 The Curve is a roadmap for learning the Linux operating system by
 use of the information superhighway. If you've wanted to try Linux ,
 but don't have a college or university nearby, a friend using it, or a
 local Linux users' group, here's your reasonably assured of success
 chance. The column will be,for the most part, lineal, although I
 reserve the right to digress at times. I will try to keep it a little
 on the light side, with some humor thrown in like a grenade here and
 there, so it won't be like eating cotton balls. The writing will be as
 non-technical as possible with respect to a computer operating system,
 and where technical I'll explain profoundly. Each week will deal with
 the next progressive step(IMHO) and I will assume you'll deal with each
 in the correct order. Everything necessary to learn and use Linux is on
 the internet, although not in a cohesive unit. My experience is very
 limited but by using the internet I've went from Windows to being able
 to setup, run, maintain, compile kernels(the Holy Grail), switch
 hardware, and perform most everyday tasks with Linux. If, through
 inexperience, I drag you through gravel, mud, and broken glass, I'm
 counting on the gurus out there to get us back on the paved road and
 tell me what other professions I also wouldn't be suitable for. This
 first installment will consist mostly of background you'll need to get
 started. If you're of reasonable intelligence, aren't terrified of your
 computer, and want to give Linux a try, let's go.
 I won't bore you with the history of Linux as I'll assume most
 people have some knowledge of it if they're interested enough to try
 it, but it's a pretty good story of a young, unintentional dragonslayer
 if you get a chance to read about it. What I will bore you with is a
 little of the politics of the movement. Microsoft is considered to be
 the antithesis of the Linux movement by a great majority of that
 movement. Linux and it's applications are generally free, although a
 lot of the users believe in buying the CD's from the companies to help
 with development costs and a lot don't mind buying applications if they
 fill a niche. You can download most distibutions for free over the
 internet if you have a big enough pipeline and whether you bought the
 CD's or downloaded for free, you can actually modify the code. Those
 last nine words probably have them bending over and reaching for
 garbage cans at Microsoft headquarters. Microsoft charges exorbitant
 prices for buggy software, doesn't allow any modification of it's code,
 has licensing restrictions tighter than a whalebone corset, is
 determined to control every aspect of your computing,and even has a
 neat little clause in those licenses that they can come in and go
 through your hard drive

Re: [newbie] Fwd: New column

2001-07-22 Thread John Rigby

Hi Randy,

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 09:54, you manipulated electrons to produce:
 --  Forwarded Message  --
 Subject: New column
 Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 18:18:03 -0400
 From: Randy Donohoe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm writing to ask your help in evaluating a column I'm considering
 submitting to some sites and newspapers. The column is called The
 Curve, and is basically a tutorial on Linux for the raw beginner.
 There's help for the beginner out there now, but it's so fragmented
 it's frustrating at best. If you don't live near a college that
 teaches Linux, have friends running it, or have a LUG in your area
 the learning curve is a nasty one. 

we are grappling with that vexing thing and you might find it 
interesting to look over the archives here. 
anything with my name in it is part of it - :-)

I am actually a semi-retired teaching technology specialist and the 
points made, you might find interesting as to why you and everyone 
else are so frustrated... it's all about focus and 
limiting options.


Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)