What is the best way to learn system configuration and administration
skills for a home-based Linux system, without feeling like I am on a
treasure hunt through the Linux Documentation Project files?

I'm somewhat experienced with Unix, but not experienced with system
administration and not experienced with Linux.

I'm in the process of configuring Mandrake 6.0. I have used the
Configuration HOWTO, and found that it had a lot of excellent information.

However, I am impatient with brief, introductory information. I want more
technical material. Why do I configure it this way? What other options are

Does anyone have recommendations (books, online documents, URL's,
other maillists, etc.)???

ALSO-- we have a number of choices available when selecting basic tools in
Linux. Is there a good source for comparing such tools for feature-set,
ease of configuration and use, etc. ???

I'd be happy to spend some money for the right books-- I already have
Linux for Dummies, and Linux in a Nutshell. Unfortunately they are more
introductory than in-depth. Other recommendations welcome. I've checked
out book reviews at fatbrain.com, but most of the titles that are recent
publication-date and sound good aren't available yet.

best wishes,

richard myers

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