When I got my upgrade CD for 7.2 in the mail, I feed it to my
machine and this cool looking LASER Printer icon showed up
on my desk top, don't know why.  But I went a head and set
up my HP710 printer.  Every thing worked fine, got a very
nice looking test page out of it.

However yesterday, I did a complete reinstall.

Now I can't get any thing to print.

The printer is hooked up locally on the parallel port.

I've tried (K)CUPS to install my HP710, using the data base
on the upgrade CD etc., but every thing just hangs up at the
end for some reason.

For example if I try to install using Linuxconfg/Printer
Config that icon turns gray and nothing more happens after I
tell it my printer is a HP710.

I have seen the message CUPS Dammon not running come out of
KCUPS, but if I look with the Linuxconfig/Control Panel it
says it IS running, doing a 'ps -A' shows cupsd running as
well.  They seem disconnected some how.

So how to get back to being able to print?

Also when a program dies, likes seem to be happening with
KCUPS here, how do I get it to go away?  In Windoze I used
the three finger salute CTRL-ALT-DEL.  Whats the equivalent
under KDE?

For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
 Chronic Pain Relief, Philadelphia Experiment, better Spelling via UNIFON
http://www.chipcenter.com/circuitcellar/crparciv.htm http://www.uCOS-II.com

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