Has anybody got an idea of how to format a classic diskette (1.4 Mb) on a
LS-120 driver?

In my case, the driver is given name /dev/hdc. fdformat doesn't work, not
even if I rm /dev/fd0 or /dev/fd0H1440 and change them into symbolic links
to /dev/hdc. The result is /dev/fd0: not a floppy device (which is at the
same true, because now /dev/fd0 points to /dev/hdc, and not true, because
/dev/hdc in the LS-120 driver, and cand handle floppies).

fdisk and cfdisk didn't wor either; sfdisk worked, in a way, because after
I was  able to mount the floppy, but did'nt erase the content of the
floppy. So I think it did something useful, like creating a partition
table, but did not really format the floppy.
Piero Caracciolo
54, rue de Bourgogne
75007 Paris - France

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