I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has had similar problems to that described below with the current 7.1 ISO images ?
Its a very frustrating problem

Gary..I'd like to know why you get that error as well. I have 7.1 running on

my machine but when I was dealing with setting up a new CDwriter I downloaded a

set of iso images, burned some CDs and tried an install. I got the same darn

error and wasn't able to get past it. I can tell you that it seems to have

nothing to do with the hardware (as I said, I'm already running 7.1) and

doesn't seem to have anything to do with burning iso images (I've since built

iso disks for 7.2 and installed it on another machine). So, your guess is as

good as mine. Just wanted to know you're not the only one who's experience it.

Cheers --- Larry


I have madrake 6.5 installed on an AMD K-6 233 with 96M.  Its running perfectly, but I want to do a reinstall to get more familiar with the process. 
I downloaded the CDROM iso images and booted from the install CDROM. Just after the SCSI probe completes, Linux begins "Loading second stage ramdisk" and then just as it appears to finish, up pop a dialog with "Error Loading Ramdisk" and the system hangs.
I'd like to know
- why I get this problem
- how I could change to loading process to disable the ramdisk (or is it essential) ?
Garry Black
GGB Enterprises Ltd.
Vancouver Canada

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