> have), and for Linux I will be needing "/", "/boot", "/swap", and I will
> probably go ahead and build myself a "/home" while I am at it.
Highly reccommend creating a '/home' partition or some other name for 
non-system software.
> How does one cut their Windows Partition in lets say
> half, and move the right half of it further to the right, creating the
> necessary room for the "/" directory for Linux below the 1024th cylinder
> boundary? 
Use Partition Magic(purchased version, not the version on the Mandrake CD)
> Wayne mentioned that he split his hard drive in half and put his entire
> C:\drive to the right and his "/" to the left of his C:\drive, this made
> actual sense to me, however I then had the question, do not 'dos' and 'win'
> require the same location below the 1024th cylinder in order to boot?  
Yes, and No. Windows does have a location below the 1024 boundary, it is called
the MBR(Master Boot Record), LILO(Linux Loader) if not loaded in the MBR
requires a separate location below the 1024 boundary. 
Joseph H. Perry
Oracle DBA
Columbus State University
4225 University Ave
Columbus, GA 31907-5645
(706) 568-2063

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