Thanks to all of you that graciously helped me out with my previous problems.  I've asked folks on #kde and #linux (EFnet IRC), but I can't get a straight answer, and since Mandrake's support area is seriously lacking (unless I'm missing something)...
I currently have 5.2 installed as follows:
/win98 on /dev/hda1 (VFAT compiled into 2.0.36)
/ on /dev/hdb1 (ext2)
/swap on /dev/hdb2
KDE runs well, even though I can't run it as root!  I for-some-reason get a fatal error #11 when I 'startx.'
I'm trying to upgrade my K to 1.1 - for the themes, etc... (plus the allied menubar looks neat) - I downloaded the ca. 30 megs of RPMs from the FTP site.  My problem is this:
-  qt 1.40 is installed, as you know, by default on a KDE 1.0 installation.  I'm trying to RPM -Uvh the qt1.42 files, but I get an error to the effect of "qt > 1.40 is needed by (kvt, kconsole, aktion, kzip, etc.)"  I have also tried RPM -i.  When I got frustrated and tried to --force it with --nodeps, I got error msgs. galore, and my 'startkde' was somehow deleted.
I know the correct order to install KDE 1.1 is QT --> KDESUPPORT --> KDEBASE --> KDEAPPS.  When I try to install qt 1.40 again from my Mandrake CD, RPM says 1.40 is already installed!  What gives?
Has anyone else here had a similar problem?

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