Re: [newbie] Re: (newbie) Dizzy newbie LAN help needed

2001-08-06 Thread Frans Ketelaars

Steve Maytum wrote:
 Apologies everyone. Told you i worked long hours sometimes. Came in ,
 checked Linux messages as requested , but too tired to read it properly. I'm
 not intentionally trying to waste your time. What is actually on screen is
 as follows:-
 (root@localhost /root)# ifconfig
 eth0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:40:95:45:63:F6
inet addr:  Bcast:
RX packets:0  errors:0  dropped:0  overruns:0  frame:0
TX packets:0  errors:0  dropped:0  overruns:0  carrier:0
collisions:0  txqueuelen:100
Interrupt:9  Base address:0xd800
 loLink encap:Local loopback
inet addr:   Mask:
RX packets:)  errors:0  dropped:0  overruns:0  frame:0
TX packets:0  errors:0  dropped:0  overruns:0  carrier:0
collisions:0  txqueuelen:0
 (root@localhost /root)#
 Apologies for any confusion. Will check more thoroughly after a break in
 future. Where do i go from here to set-up this network? TIA

You have:

eth0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:40:95:45:63:F6
   inet addr:  Bcast:

but in your earlier mail, you said:

3) Through Win 98 and 95 as per each machine , Computer name allocated
with usergroup. Identifying these machines with TCP/IP set up and IP
addressess , 2  3 respectively , subnet masks as
i still get nothing.

so it seems the linux machine is in the subnet while the
windows machines are in the subnet.


Re: [newbie] Re: (newbie) Dizzy newbie LAN help needed

2001-08-05 Thread Frans Ketelaars

Steve Maytum wrote:
 May i just thank people for their offers of help before i begin this epic
 adventure (well it is for me anyway!)
 1) In answer to setting up old machine as dialler/firewall , i have no
 objections to this , but will still need guidance. My problems may become
 apparent as we continue.
 2) This thread may be a bit slow , but hopefully progressive , i think i've
 now had a PC for about a year. Someone once told me i was a masochist to
 consider Linux this soon , let alone LAN configuration.
 3) Through Win 98 and 95 as per each machine , Computer name allocated along
 with usergroup. Identifying these machines with TCP/IP set up and IP
 addressess , 2  3 respectively , subnet masks as
 i still get nothing.
 4) Tried using AnalogX proxy server and still nothing. Unable to use
 WinIPCFG on old PC's as not on Win 95.
 5) Now i'm starting from scratch with help please! When i type ifconfig on
 Linux side i recieve the following:-
 (root@localhost /root)# ifconfig
 lo   Link encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
RXpackets:0 errors:0dropped:0
 overruns:0   frame:0
TXpackets:0  errors:0dropped:0
 overruns:0   carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
 (root@localhost /root)#
 These messages are because no other machines are presently connected.
 Started at this point in case one of these messages tells you more
 experienced people i've done something wrong. If not , tell me i need to
 re-connect everything and what to go for next. Hope this isn't too much ,
 but been trying to set up for about two months and read and re-read
 everything! So just trying to cover every avenue. Regards

  You should have eth0 listed as well for your network card.
Does it show up after you do, as root, 'ifconfig eth0 up' ?
