paddock wrote:

> Hi --
> I started with an idea from Linux Gazette for doing "tar" backups to disk, and 
>expanded it so it makes one weekly "full" backup and then daily incrementals.
> The tar files have the same name as the base (not "root" in Linux, thank you!) of 
>the directory tree which they backup.  This makes identification and retrieval easier.
> I do the "system" side, which is everything but /home (and /var which is too 
>volatile anyway), and then one directory for each of the users in /home.
> The scheme means that a maximum of 7 restore operations will completely restore the 
>system to its condition at last backup.  I've used the full backups to restore my 
>/home directory;  fortunately I haven't had to restore from the incrementals, yet, 
>but it "oughta" work...
> The scripts are most likely lacking many forms of subtle *nix tricks, but I'm a 
>recovering DOS/OS2/Windoesn't fool.  Actually, I'd like some critiques and some 
>pointers like "Well, you can do *this* better like this:..."
> If anyone's interested, I'll be happy to mail the scripts off-list.
> I hope you and yours are prospering!
> --Paddock -------------------
> Registered Linux user 190974 ( 2000-Oct-05 ).

I for one would like to try your scripts. Would you e-mail them to me? Have a nice day.

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