Make sure you enter your DNS for your isp

----- Original Message -----
From: Roberto Angelo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: expert linux-mandrake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Linux e-mail list for
beginers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 05, 1999 5:22 AM
Subject: [expert] modem and internet settings

> Hi,
>  I configured my ISA Diamond Supra-express PnP and I use kppp in Mandrake
5.3 to connect with my intenert provider successfull but I can't access at
any web pages because netscape, ftp, ping, telnet and all is offline while
connection is on!!!
>  Probably I have to configure host or domain or IP or any other kind of
>  With kppp starts automatly pppd, I think right.
>  If someone tell me how can I do, thanks.
>  Please answer me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] too.
>  I hope, I'm usefull:
>  ---- How I configured my internal ISA PnP Diamond Supra-Express modem ---
>  1) download 'isapnp' RPM and install it
>  2) type 'pnpdump | more' without quotes to see settings of your PnP cards
installed in your machine.
>     type 'pnpdump > /etc/isapnp.config' to have a prototype
>  3) edit /etc/isapnp.config to setting your pnp modem.
>     how to edit read isapnp documents (try in /usr/doc/isapnp...)
>  4) type 'isapnp /etc/isapnp.config' to check your work.
>  5) if the last point is successfull you have to configure the COM port
>     typing 'setserial -g /dev/ttyS2' to see your COM3 actual settings
>  6) type 'man setserial' to know how set /dev/ttyS2 with the same IRQ and
HEX address of your PnP modem
>  7) create new script like 'pnpmodem' and edit it as the example you can
read in isapnp documents
>  8) type 'chmod a+x /etc/pnpmodem' to make exeguible the script
>  9) edit inittab file (PAY ATTENTION, to find it type 'find / -iname
inittab*') to add a line that have to call /etc/pnpmodem script so your
modem will be initialized anytime you will start your machine
>  10) G'luck!
>  ---- Pay attention I'm a newbie all you do it's own your risk ! ----
>  Please excuse my poor english...
>  Greatings from Italia!
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