I am running Mandrake 7.1 w/ Samba 2.0.6 and have had two annoying, but
weird problems:

1) For each individual user, Samba shows their own home directory and
all others that they have permissions to(as it should). But, inside of
each individual's home directory, it lists all directories in /home
whether they are a share or not. Luckily, access is not granted to those
without permission. But this causes enormous clutter and I only want
users to have knowledge of directories they are cleared to view/write

How can I prevent samba from listing all the directories in /home inside
each users home directory?

2) While playing with permissions and using SWAT I noticed that
/etc/smb.conf was completly blank at one point, but samba still worked.
I rebooted both the Linux/samba server and my Win95 box, and to my
surprise all the shares were still usable including the annoying problem
listed above. /etc/smb.conf was still blank!

I have since recreated the shares with SWAT and everything seems fine,
but was interested how the shares could have continued to work(after
reboots) if smb.conf was blank?

Any help appreciated,


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