I'd found this some time ago & went to play with it today, but
ther're neither /etc/TexConfig nor SVGATextMode on my system.  Is
there an lm7.2 specific way to change the console res?


Text Mode - Resolution

  There is a nifty utility called SVGATextMode that lets you
really tweak your text mode console to fit your monitor and
viewing habits. Say you've got that shiny new 21" monitor, and
you fire up your favorite O/S, Linux. Great! The problem is,
80x25 standard mode looks a little rediculous on such a huge
monitor! Through LILO, you can set various other sizes based on
standard text modes via the "vga=" option. If you want to see
what's available on your system, just put "vga=ask" into your
/etc/lilo.conf file, run lilo to update your system, reboot, and
watch the screen; you'll see some new options. When you find the
number for the size you like, replace "ask" with the number you
want. That's it!

  Thing is, these are all basic text modes, and are quite limited
in choice. Suppose you've got a hot video card going with that
monitor (I hope so!). With the SVGATextMode program I mentioned,
you can run exotic resolutions and different fonts! I run my
system at home at 132x25 resolution on a 17" monitor. If I had a
20" I would run at 132x60! Play with settings by checking out the
/etc/TextConfig file. This lists the resolutions and information
for your video card, which you should definately customize for
your system. Write down some resolutions you like, and at the
prompt, try them out with "SVGATextMode 132x25" (use your
values!) and when you settle on one, type in "savetextmode" to
save it. You can also set your default resolution in the
/etc/TextConfig file; look for it about half way down, above the
resolution listings. This is bound to make console/text mode life
much better!

  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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