1999-09-11 Thread Netrider


I' ve tried to lauch X as a normal user
without success : xauth message = xauthentication failed !
I have tried startx, xinit , xdm , kdm ( xdm and kdm are root only)
I have generated a new .Xauthority but it is alway the same ..

Please , why can't i start X  as a normal user. What should i do ??

Im using Mandrake 6 + kernel 2.2.12 AND KDE is my window manager .

Please help me dudes , its very important because users need the
possibility in my box tio launch X .
Sorry for my very bad english and than a lot by advance for your help .


1999-09-11 Thread R. David Whitlock

You might find that such alarmist titles in your Subject line only serve
to bother some people, and thus net you less possible replies.  

But here's one stab:  You say that xauthentication fails, I get that error
if I am anyone but the origional user that logged in when I do something
that requires permission from the xserver, for example, if I log in as
root, su to ryan, and then try to start x.  To fix this, as the origional
user root, type "xhost +".  This allows all requests to connect
that come from the local machine to the local display. Then you can change
to a different user and run x apps, start x, etcetera.

This may not solve your problem, but it's difficult to think of other
causes.  Can you give us better details?  The kernel level you list is not
the default with MDK 6, have you made significant patches?  What exactly
happens when you type "startx"?  Have you run Xconfigurator (located in
/usr/X11R6/bin/Xconfigurator) ?  Have you tried xf86config (same
directory, but use the other program if possible) ? What video card do you
have?  Some of these things happened during install, did you miss them?
Has it been awhile since you installed?  If not, I would reccomend
re-installing and paying attention to exactly every step if none of the
above options seem to be working.

Good luck,

On Sat, 11 Sep 1999, Netrider wrote:

 I' ve tried to lauch X as a normal user
 without success : xauth message = xauthentication failed !
 I have tried startx, xinit , xdm , kdm ( xdm and kdm are root only)
 I have generated a new .Xauthority but it is alway the same ..
 Please , why can't i start X  as a normal user. What should i do ??
 Im using Mandrake 6 + kernel 2.2.12 AND KDE is my window manager .
 Please help me dudes , its very important because users need the
 possibility in my box tio launch X .
 Sorry for my very bad english and than a lot by advance for your help .