On Saturday 30 June 2001 10:35, Franki wrote:
> Hi all,
> think about it..
> take one mdk install,
> remove all servers and the multiple apps of the same apps, settle on one
> for each,, one word processor, one spreadsheet, one text editor,, one of
> everthing...

except games, of course

> settle on just Gnome or KDE, nothing else.. (probably KDE as its just that
> bit more like win blows to look at)

but with the "loser's" essential libraries all loaded and ready to go.

> no choice of console or X at boot, make it always boot to GUI...


> they could call it "Mandrake Linux for Windows users." 

Youi like getting sued by Microsoft, then? Bad idea.

> - winblows asks you if you want to install a notepad..
> - Linux asks you how many different text editors you want to install, or

I know, I know. I installed mdk 7.2, and mdk 8 came out before I had even 
gotten around to trying out all the ftp clients!

> It has so many extra featurs over windoze,, consider the following..

> Here is what is needed..
> 1. A current 2.4 kernel...
> 2. a poll to ask everyones opinion on what is the easiest most useful of
> each app type that should be included in this distro.
> 3. One of each app type only... use the above poll to determine what app
> should be chosen for each app type.

OK, I'll bite. Here are my suggestions:

Since we are basing this discussion on a KDE setup, it seems logical to use 
KDE apps unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise. So, we are 
talking Kwrite, kppp, Konqueror etc etc The reverse of this would apply if we 
were to go for a GNOME desktop, of course. The only real problem is that 
KOffice is IMHO not quite ready yet (though there are some interesting 
rumours about  the next version going around). So if we are going to bundle 
an office suite, it will most likely have to be star office - but i have just 
downloaded some alpha code for Ability Office for Linux to look at, so that 
range is expanding a bit. That one will probably not be free though. Which 
raises another question: is this new distro to be like Debian - puritstically 
free in all respects, or can it contain non-GPL free-beer and even commercial 


xmms - it looks like Winamp, sounds like winamp, it even uses winamp skins. A 
newie essential.

Netscape/mozilla: for compatibility reasons

xgalaga - just because

GIMP - Yes I know it is a Gnome app, but you could hardly not mention it 
separately, right?

> 4. No servers included in this distro.
> 5. market it as linux for windoze users... the power of linux with the ease
> of windows. (that may not appeal to us, ,but it will appeal to windoze
> users..)
> 6. possibly even a file manager that calls / (c drive) /home (my docs) and
> /usr (prog files) and /proc (linux) and /mnt/floppy (a drive) /mnt/cdrom (d
> drive)  to help them feel at home, although thats proably overkill...



7. Hide the root account even more than is being done already. Extensive use 
of kdesu is the key here. Package the root password as "knowing a special 
secret code that lets you install new things" rather than as just the 
password of some weird user called root. ("Honey, do we know anyone called 

> because it cuts down on alot of the reasons that linux is great, but it
> should still be done because its the best way to lure disgruntled windoze
> users over to the greener pastures..

Some good ideas here. Hope the mandrakeans are reading this forum.

Hey, what was the name of Mandrake the Magician's sidekick again? Lothar, I 
think. How's that for a name: LotharLinux.

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

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