        I have a test machine in fact the one this email is coming from. I
installed a clean 5.3 install and upgraded all the rpms as told except the
kernel had to be done -ivh not -Uvh . Any way this is what happened

1.again clean install of mandrake 5.3
2.then all rpm files from mandrake
3.edited /etc/lilo.conf to point to 2.3.3 the new kernel
4.then ran /sbin/lilo
5.all seemed fine up to here
6.now reboot
7.comes up to finding module dependentsy or some thing like that and just
stopped there not even cntrl alt delet would reboot had to power down.
8. Now I install my boot disk I created at step 1
9. It came all the way up and gave me login prompt I then logged in and
found that I had no etho support I could no longer get out on the net it
seemed that the etho did not setup.

any idea what I may still need or what has gone wrong. I am getting good
at using the mandrake CD install.

Thanks alot

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