hi all !

i would like to use an antivir program with my email server.
has anybody of u experience with avmailgate from www.antivir.com

what iŽd like to know how it works, its manual is not very good.

if anyone uses it, maybe u can explain me whether this is right or not :

1) mails are coming in (in my case via fetchmail)
2) they are handled over to antivir which is sitting on port 25
3) antivir scans all mails and forwards them to the local smtp server (i.e 
postfix, sendmail etc)
4) the local smtp stores them via procmail in the corresponding mail dir..

now, what my problem is :

1) i dont want to install a smtp server, does anybody know whether antivir 
can forward the mails it scanned directly to procmail ?
2) i noticed that one has to create a /usr/spool/antivir folder for the 
mails, why that ?......i thought procmail would store the mails in the 
default mail spool dir ? (/var/spool/mail/user in my case)

or maybe u can recomment any other scanner ?

any help would be greatly appreciated.....



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