Let the BillMan help you guys out a little.  1) This is the wrong place to
send your virus e-mail SPAM  2) Until you get a flash announcement from
ZDNet, Symantec, Network Solutions, etc. then it's also just not true.
There's no way on this Earth that you or your e-mail 'friends' (and their
friends, and their friends, and so-on, and so-on...) have identified any
kind of virus that the big guys aren't going to alert someone about.

Now, have you ever really thought about these messages?  What is a virus'
intent?  Usually to cause some kind of problem with the machines it comes in
contact with, right?  In a way, the very message you sent is a virus.  It's
being forwarded to e-mail lists, it's been sent to everyone in your address
book, and the process continues.  What does that do?  Well, 1) it causes
more traffic around the net  2) it causes e-mail servers to work harder  3)
it pisses everyone that receives a copy off --> especially when it's
completely off topic for a support list.  I have plenty of idiot e-mail
friends that are/are going to send me this very same message.  I hardly need
it to come to me via a high volume list serve!

<steps down from soap box>

What you should do.  You have a larger responsibility than to simply forward
on e-mails.  If you think the threat is real then you need to hit the Virus
Protection manufacturer's pages and do the research.  There's also a page,
address escapes me, that deals specifically with all these *FAKE* virus
alerts.  Don't be a carrier/transmitter!  Figure out if the threat is real.
If it is you'll find official announcements that can be forwarded that will
also include instructions on how to exterminate the virus.  Be smart.  Be
safe.  Be diligent in your e-mail forwarding.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ferris, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 9:14 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] C:\CoolProgs\Pretty Park.exe

> What the heck is this and why are you sending it to the newbie mandrake
> list???
> Chris
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Xavier Fromant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 3:33 PM
> Subject: [newbie] C:\CoolProgs\Pretty Park.exe
>  << File: Pretty Park.exe >> Test: Pretty Park.exe  :)
>    Xavier Fromant

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