> -----Original Message-----
> From: M. R. N. Weston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 23 June 2000 18:01
> Subject: [newbie] Warning: Mandrake changed DOS extended partition to
> Linux - how to fix
> If you have the same problem as this and this works then I feel I will
> have done my duty in life :)

Secondly, and more vitally importantly than that, before you do *anything*
with partition tables (Even with a "safe" program like partition magic)

B A C K U P   A L L   D A T A   F I R S T ! ! !

I can't stress this enough. Even with a professional (and non-destructive)
program like PM *things go wrong*

I lost my entire windows partition when resizing it, luckily I had, on a
whim, copied all my data to my secondary HDD, and put everything on a zip
disk, but I still lost all my E-Mails for 18 months and a few Websdesigns.


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