On 10-Dec-1999 Kaplan, Paul wrote:
> Mea culpa!
> **********************************************************
> Paul L. Kaplan, Ph.D., M.B.A.
> Program Manager, Neurosciences
> Creative BioMolecules (www.creativebio.com <http://www.creativebio.com> )
> Suite 2400
> 101 Huntington Avenue
> Boston, MA 02199
> Ph: 617-912-2972
> Fx: 617-912-2991
> [ Stuff snipped.. Including a few pioneering rodents ;-) ]

Oops indeed. Have to admit I couldn't help myself and took a peek
at the attachments... Wow. Please remind me not to come back in
my next life as a rat... 

I guess it's for a 'good cause' at the end of the day, but it
was chilling, if fascinating (and technical) reading ;-)

To keep this on topic: Abiword (http://www.abiword.com) loaded
the MS doc file OK ;-)

For those who didn't look at the attachment it was this month's
'Which Holiday Guide for Rats'. They voted against staying at 
this particular lab. The accommodation was clean but a little
unusual and the, um, health treatments for the guests verged
on the 'vigorous' side. 

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Martin Curran

Melinda: You Ok honey..? It's the dream again isn't it?
Bill:    Uh, yeah.. It's the penguin. Damn that penguin!

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