"Joseph S. Gardner" wrote:
> OK,  I was looking for an update for the stdlibc and gcc gcc+
> libraries and such (got tired of installing software that
> required one library or another that didn't  install when
> I selected "everything" from the 6.1 install) so me thinks "Let's
> try the update button on the KDE panel".
> Stupid move. Every thing d/l'd fine so I reboot and my machine
> erupts.  I get "  ~^[[24~^[[24  "'s streaming across my screen,
> the internal speaker is screaming as the filesystem is being
> mounted (NOT a pleasant thing at 12:30 am).  Doah, I forgot to
> edit /etc/lilo.conf to reflect the new 2.2.13-22 kernel and rerun
> lilo.  OK that's done but I still have the same problem and any
> time I enter into a terminal mode my screen again erupts into
> streaming "   ~~~~~~~~~~" anytime I look at it crosseyed and seem
> to be having general keyboard problems typing this.  I also now
> get an error msg that my kernel does not have kppp support but
> launches it anyway when I hit "OK".
> This folks is rediculous, I suppose it's my fault for trying to
> fix something that wasn't broke but all I wanted was the
> libraries that should have loaded in the first place.
> Please, anyone got any suggestions
> Joe Gardner

The updates are all RPM's, & might still be stored in your top
/tmp directory (unlikely after reboot, but look), you could try
reinstalling the old ones off CD. the kppp thing is normal & can 
be safely ignored. The prob is strange, as I could safely boot
off -7mdk after I had installed -22. It's at this sort of place
that I usually reinstall - hope you get better help :o)
[if you made a /home partition you could back things up into
it & keep it when you reinstall]


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