I know your feeling. I bought Linux4Windows despite many warnig against it because Linux would run faster on its own partition, which is true, or they are very anit-Windows which is the impression I got from them.
On my laptop the CD boots from the CD drive. I could never get pass the dowloading the KDesktop. It would take half an hour to load HALF of the desktop. I tried a full installation through Mandrake 7.2 suite. It couldn't work with my CyberBlade graphics card. I tried Linux4Windows on my newly built system and it worked this time.
I believe it was harddrive room problem. I would tell Mandrake about 2.5 GB for installation which I didn't quite have on my laptop and on the desktop system with two harddrives the first primary is 4GB drive with nearly 2GB for Windows and programs. The second drive 30GB which is intended for raw video,music, and still phots for my video&media projects. When installed on the first Kdesktop would not boot up or crash during installation. Second time it put some of the files and folder on the first drive and the other on the second. I tried another installation this time I put Linux on the second with 7B remaining and Linux booted up and worked just fine. Athough, just before that I tried doing the graphics card and monitor test during Xconfiguration but Linux kept turning off my Futura monitor. I walked away to answe a phone call when I thought I had click on configuration again but instead I finished installation. When I returned Linux booted up into the Kdesktop and I was there. I could do everything I first configured my HP printer which I had seen was a major problem with CUPS. On the first time I got it worked and printing beautifully.
Current problem now is my modem is a winmodem and although many are helping to get it to work using alternative many others say I should buy a external "hardware" modem for Linux to use.
Keep at it you can do it and Linux4Windows despite what hardcore Linux users will tell you runs quick and nicely through Windows FAT partition. I will get another harddrive and install a complete Linux on it soon.
Hope this helps good luck.

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