It has a two in it - all the digits have to be odd.

John the Nadger

> ** Original Subject: Re: [newbie] Totally useless fact (OS)
> ** Original Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ** Original Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 14:00:47 -0500

> ** Original Message follows... 

> From: Ronald A. Yacketta
> what about 1/9/2001?
> is that not odd a nod number? 1 is odd, 9 is nod and oh yeah 2001 is a odd
> number ;-P
> bluebottle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 11/19/99 11:55:40 AM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> cc:    (bcc: Ronald A. Yacketta/958157/EKC)
> Subject:  [newbie] Totally useless fact (OS)
> Today - Friday, 19/11/1999 -  will be the last day that has all odd digits
> in it's date until 1/1/3111. That's right, you will have seen the last "odd
> digit day" in your lifetime, and for approximately 37 generations to come!

>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **


John the Nadger

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