[newbie] Thank you, Corel, for PPP

2000-02-22 Per discussione GECOS

The meaning of the Subject is that, of three different distributions of
Linux on my system, only Corel Linux gets me to the Internet.

My pleasure with CL's ease of install, but my frustration with its
nonstandard configuration, led me to buy McCarty's Learning Debian book.
It came with a Debian CD, so I installed it. I have a PPP-sudden-death
syndrome with it that Debian gurus have not yet been able to cure.

A friend sent me a Mandrake CD to try, and the install was very easy.
But when I ran kppp, it said that the kernel did not include PPP
support! I am =positive= that I never told the install anything that
would lead it to think I didn't want to use dialup.

So thank you, Corel, for proving that there's nothing basically wrong
with my system that prevents Debian and Mandrake from giving me access
to the Internet. That gives me hope that some day I may have dialup from
all of my distros.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

Getting where I want to be with Linux...

[newbie] Mandrake and Different CPUs

2000-02-22 Per discussione GECOS

James Mellema wrote:
 I think it unlikely that your install will succeed. Mandrake is
 optimized for pentium class CPUs, and will not perform adequately on a
 486. My experience has been that in most cases Mandrale will not
 install, and if it does performance is dismal with many problems.

The above was in response to an inquiry, but it makes me wonder if
Mandrake is the best distro for my AMD K6-2/400. I don't know much about
CPUs, so I don't know if my AMD is "pentium class" or not.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

Getting where I want to be with Linux...

Re: [newbie] Missing Ram -- Append?

2000-02-14 Per discussione GECOS

 I believe it should be

One thing that kept that statement from working for me for a while was
my failing to subtract the 4M that my onboard video was using.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

Getting where I want to be with Corel Linux