Dear Sir/ Madam,
        I have the UK version of Linux-Madrake 6.5 and am trying to install this on my computer. However my graphics card and monitor is not supported so I have to configure it myself.
        I have a Creative Labs GeForce 256 Annihilator PRO grpahics card and a Belinea SVGA non-interlaced 1024x768 monitor. I will input this data along with the amount of memory the card has, the frequencey sync ranges of the monitor etc into the X configurator. But, when I type the command startx into the 'DOS' part of linux where i log in, it will either say that there is a device but no monitor can be found. After a lot of playing about with teh settings, I can load linux, but it is as if the screen has zoomed in and so three icons can fill up the whole screen and windows can not be seen. I have treid using different resolutions but nothing is happening.
    Can you tell me what to do to solve this problem.
            Thanks in advance
                       Sebastian Sutherland

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