to make a long story short i have two gateway desktops one a 700mhz and
the other a 550mhz pentium 3 systems, when attempting to run lnx4win on
the 700mhz system the install hangs just past the point of the ide 1 and
ide 2 detection lines dont know if i will ever get this one worked out
but my question is on the 550 machine the install goes great but i get
the window that asks what i want to do with my drive either to
completely erase the contents or to make a partion for linux. i was
under the impression that disk partioning was not necessary in the linux
for windows software and that it created two files in the windows os to
run linux under. i think the 7.2 version is what is packaged on the cd
rom anyone out there installed linux for windows  any help greatly
appreciated thanks
ken cubilo

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