[news] News, 07.08.2004, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2004-08-07 Thread Antic.org - SNN
   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   August 7th 2004, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Major German Media Reject Spelling Reform

   Rejecting a six-year-old spelling reform, several publishing 
   companies have announced they would switch back to the old 
   system. The move comes shortly after leading conservative 
   politicians had proposed a reversal.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:


   Third day of fighting in Najaf

   The United States military says about 300 Iraqi insurgents have been
   killed in three days of fighting in the Shi'ite holy city of Najaf.
   Supporters of the radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr say no more than
   nine of al-Sadr's Mehdi Army militiamen have been killed. The US
   command says two Marines have been killed in Najaf, and another in
   western Baghdad. There have also been clashes with Sadr-supporters
   in the Baghdad slum district of Sadr City. Iraqi police say they had
   set a deadline for al-Sadr loyalist fighters to surrender. There
   have been no immediate reports on compliance with the ultimatum,
   which has just expired. Amid the ongoing violence, United Nations
   Secretary General Kofi Annan has said the UN must limit its staff in
   Iraq. Annan appealed to countries to contribute troops for a special
   force to guard UN staff, saying he feared the UN would be targeted
   by insurgents.

   Iraq announces amnesty

   Iraqi Interim President Iyad Allawi has issued a limited amnesty for
   Iraqis guilty of what he considers minor crimes. But Allawi said at
   a news conference that insurgents who have killed will still be held
   accountable. The Iraqi President also commented on the fighting in
   Najaf, saying the rebels in the city were mostly common criminals
   and Saddam Hussein loyalists. He invited Shi'ite cleric Moqtada
   al-Sadr to run for election in January. The Iraqi interim government
   has announced that it ordered the Qatar-based al-Jazeera satellite
   television network to close its Baghdad office for one month.
   Interior Minister Falah al-Naqib said this week that Arabic
   satellite channels were encouraging abductions by showing militants
   threatening to kill hostages.

   American fakes own decapitation

   A California resident has said he staged a video aired on Saturday
   that purportedly showed an American being decapitated in Iraq.
   Benjamin Vanderford told news agencies that he made the film at a
   friend's house in San Francisco, and that he intended it as a
   political statement. The video, which had appeared on the Internet,
   depicts a man being beheaded after telling US troops to stop the
   occupation of Iraq.

   Palestinian cabinet ministers resign

   Two Palestinian cabinet ministers have announced their resignations,
   citing personal and political reasons. Justice Minister Nahed
   Arreyes said he was stepping down because he had been stripped of
   key powers, while Planning Minister Nabil Qassis said he is
   resigning to accept a job as president of Bir Zeit University in the
   West Bank. The Palestinian Authority is deeply divided over
   President Yasser Arafat's failure to implement internal reforms.
   Brokers in the Middle East peace process have called on Arafat to
   restructure security forces and hand over more power to Prime
   Minister Ahmed Qorei.

   Two election workers killed in Afghanistan

   A United Nations spokesman in Afghanistan has confirmed that two
   electoral workers were killed in an ambush in central Uruzgan
   province on Friday. All four vehicles of the UN-Afghan convoy were
   destroyed, when they came under attack by fighters with machine guns
   and rocket-propelled grenades. Afghan officials say armed gaurds
   returned fire and captured one assailant. An alleged Taliban
   spokesman told news agencies his group carried out the attack. At
   least 12 people have been killed while preparing for Afghanistan's
   first direct presidential election, planned for October 9. Taliban
   loyalists have vowed to disrupt the electoral process.

   Two killed in Karachi bomb blast

   Police in Pakistan say a bomb has exploded in the southern city of
   Karachi, killing two people and wounding four others. A police
   spokesman said no motive is known for the attack, which occurred
   outside a car rental office in a wealthy southern neighbourhood. An
   investigation is underway. A number of attacks have taken place in
   Karachi since Pakistan joined the US-led campaign against terrorism
   in 2001. Most have been blamed on Islamic extremists and militants
   linked to the terrorist group al-Qaeda.

   India and Pakistan wrap up talks

   India and Pakistan have ended three 

[news] Sloboda urges UN, ICTY and Serbian authorities to stop the Hague crime

2004-08-07 Thread Antic.org - SNN
UN: H.E. Mr. Kofi ANNAN, Secretary General of the United Nations; H.E. Mr.
Andrei DENISOV, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the
UN, Presiding the UN Security Council; H.E. Mr. Julian Robert HUNTE,
President of the 58th Session of the UN General Assembly; Ms. Louise Arbour,
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

ICTY: Mr. Theodor MERON, President; Mr. Patrick ROBINSON, Mr. O-Gon KWON,
Mr. Iain BONOMY, Judges of the Trial Chamber III; Mr. Steven KAY, Prof.
Timothy L.H. McCORMACK, Amici Curiae

Serbia and Montenegro: H.E. Mr. Svetozar MAROVIC, President of the State
Community Serbia and Montenegro; Mr. Zoran SAMI, Chairman of the Assembly of
Serbia and Montenegro; H.E. Mr. Boris TADIC, President of the Republic of
Serbia; H.E. Dr. Vojislav Kostunica, Prime Minister of the Republic of
Serbia; Mr. Predrag MARKOVIC, Chairman of the National Assembly of the
Republic of Serbia; Heads of the Parliamentary Caucuses in the National
Assembly of the Republic of Serbia


  During the whole lasting of the Hague process against President
Slobodan Milosevic the most responsible persons of the ICTY at The Hague
have been aware, on the basis of numerous doctors' reports and of numerous
communications from our organization, from other organizations and
individuals, of the health situation of President Milosevic and of the fact
that the process itself puts his life at stake. In spite of this awareness,
the tribunal never treated President Milosevic's health situation properly,
nor ever properly considered the legitimate demands for his release for
medical treatment, recovery and preparation for his case. By that and by the
way the process has been conducted, the tribunal only contributed to the
deterioration of the health of President Milosevic.

  Together with other international and national organizations and
individuals from different countries, we were several times informing the
highest UN organs and highest organs of the Republic of Serbia and FR
Yugoslavia (now SC Serbia and Montenegro) about this situation, requesting
their action and warning them of their share in responsibility.

  In the recent weeks, the tribunal has shown the sudden interest in
the health situation of President Milosevic, trying to misuse it as an
excuse to impose him a counsel against his will and to change other rules of
the proceedings on his detriment.

  These attempts of the tribunal are contrary to the International
Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, as the principal source of law for
the tribunal, to the ICTY's own Statute and to the basic principles of the
adversarial system of law and of the democratic judiciary in general, as
explained in detail in the petition of 75 distinguished lawyers and law
professors, sent these days to the UN and to the ICTY. The proposed measures
would only decisively act against the fair character and efficiency of the
process and the life and health of President Milosevic, as declared motives
for their imposition. Above all, these measures would act against justice
and make establishing the truth impossible.

  By their essence, these attempts cannot be understood otherwise,
but as an intention to silence the truth, and by that to secure impunity for
the real criminals responsible for the break-up of Yugoslavia, tragedy of
its peoples and numerous victims and huge war damages produced by the 1999
NATO aggression against Yugoslavia. The amount of illegality contained in
the tribunal's intended decisions testifies about someone's panic.

  Its legal dimensions cannot characterize the current behavior of
the ICTY otherwise, but as a crime in progress.

  We call upon the highest representatives of the UN, ICTY and
Serbia and Montenegro to act immediately to stop the crime. Refusal or
avoidance to act in this way would be a complicity in the crime. Reflecting
the opinion of the people of Serbia, the Freedom Association is determined
to use all legal means to establish the criminal responsibility of all who
are or would be involved in this crime.

  The World Nations require respect of the International Law. They
also have right for truth about the tragedy in the Balkans. President
Milosevic has right to live and to represent the truth and himself.

  Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic!

Belgrade, 6 August 2004

On behalf of the Freedom Association,
Bogoljub Bjelica, president /signed/

GETS NEW SIGNATURES: Mark Littman, QC (UK), Jean-Marie Dermagne (Belgium),
Giuseppe Pelazza (Italy)...

[news] Sloboda urges UN, ICTY and Serbian authorities to stop the Hague crime

2004-08-07 Thread Vladimir Krsljanin
UN: H.E. Mr. Kofi ANNAN, Secretary General of the United Nations; H.E. Mr.
Andrei DENISOV, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the
UN, Presiding the UN Security Council; H.E. Mr. Julian Robert HUNTE,
President of the 58th Session of the UN General Assembly; Ms. Louise Arbour,
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

ICTY: Mr. Theodor MERON, President; Mr. Patrick ROBINSON, Mr. O-Gon KWON,
Mr. Iain BONOMY, Judges of the Trial Chamber III; Mr. Steven KAY, Prof.
Timothy L.H. McCORMACK, Amici Curiae

Serbia and Montenegro: H.E. Mr. Svetozar MAROVIC, President of the State
Community Serbia and Montenegro; Mr. Zoran SAMI, Chairman of the Assembly of
Serbia and Montenegro; H.E. Mr. Boris TADIC, President of the Republic of
Serbia; H.E. Dr. Vojislav Kostunica, Prime Minister of the Republic of
Serbia; Mr. Predrag MARKOVIC, Chairman of the National Assembly of the
Republic of Serbia; Heads of the Parliamentary Caucuses in the National
Assembly of the Republic of Serbia


  During the whole lasting of the Hague process against President
Slobodan Milosevic the most responsible persons of the ICTY at The Hague
have been aware, on the basis of numerous doctors' reports and of numerous
communications from our organization, from other organizations and
individuals, of the health situation of President Milosevic and of the fact
that the process itself puts his life at stake. In spite of this awareness,
the tribunal never treated President Milosevic's health situation properly,
nor ever properly considered the legitimate demands for his release for
medical treatment, recovery and preparation for his case. By that and by the
way the process has been conducted, the tribunal only contributed to the
deterioration of the health of President Milosevic.

  Together with other international and national organizations and
individuals from different countries, we were several times informing the
highest UN organs and highest organs of the Republic of Serbia and FR
Yugoslavia (now SC Serbia and Montenegro) about this situation, requesting
their action and warning them of their share in responsibility.

  In the recent weeks, the tribunal has shown the sudden interest in
the health situation of President Milosevic, trying to misuse it as an
excuse to impose him a counsel against his will and to change other rules of
the proceedings on his detriment.

  These attempts of the tribunal are contrary to the International
Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, as the principal source of law for
the tribunal, to the ICTY's own Statute and to the basic principles of the
adversarial system of law and of the democratic judiciary in general, as
explained in detail in the petition of 75 distinguished lawyers and law
professors, sent these days to the UN and to the ICTY. The proposed measures
would only decisively act against the fair character and efficiency of the
process and the life and health of President Milosevic, as declared motives
for their imposition. Above all, these measures would act against justice
and make establishing the truth impossible.

  By their essence, these attempts cannot be understood otherwise,
but as an intention to silence the truth, and by that to secure impunity for
the real criminals responsible for the break-up of Yugoslavia, tragedy of
its peoples and numerous victims and huge war damages produced by the 1999
NATO aggression against Yugoslavia. The amount of illegality contained in
the tribunal's intended decisions testifies about someone's panic.

  Its legal dimensions cannot characterize the current behavior of
the ICTY otherwise, but as a crime in progress.

  We call upon the highest representatives of the UN, ICTY and
Serbia and Montenegro to act immediately to stop the crime. Refusal or
avoidance to act in this way would be a complicity in the crime. Reflecting
the opinion of the people of Serbia, the Freedom Association is determined
to use all legal means to establish the criminal responsibility of all who
are or would be involved in this crime.

  The World Nations require respect of the International Law. They
also have right for truth about the tragedy in the Balkans. President
Milosevic has right to live and to represent the truth and himself.

  Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic!

Belgrade, 6 August 2004

On behalf of the Freedom Association,
Bogoljub Bjelica, president /signed/

GETS NEW SIGNATURES: Mark Littman, QC (UK), Jean-Marie Dermagne (Belgium),
Giuseppe Pelazza (Italy)...