Peace Magazine Mar-Apr 1994, page 8

Srdja Popovic: an exiled Yugoslav speaks


By Slobodan Drakulic (interviewer)

Slobodan Drakulic: As a human rights lawyer you defended some political 
dissidents who are quite famouse nowadays.

Srdja Popovic: Yes, they include the present President of Croatia, 
Tudjman, the former President of Yugoslavia, Cosic, and a lot of the 
present political party leaders in Serbia as well as Croatia.

Drakulic: Your clients are in power and you are a refugee. Why?

Popovic: Because they won and I'm defeated. Their cause is nationalism, 
which I oppose.

Drakulic: What is your political position?

Popovic: In Yugoslavia I never advocated a political program except the 
broad ones of modernization, democratization, and ties with the European 
Community. I retain that position, except that it looks hopeless for 
perhaps two generations.

Drakulic: You used to be a member of the opposition in Serbia and now 
you are its exiled member. Tell us about it.

Popovic: The Serbian opposition has been weak and inefficient. Milosevic 
was far-sighted and pragmatic enough to appropriate the nationalist 
position from the very beginning of the crisis of the communist regime. 
This made him the first Communist nationalist leader in Yugoslavia. 
During the first multi-party parliamentary elections in Serbia, he held 
both positions-the nationalist position, which in other parts of 
Yugoslavia was held by the anti-Communists, representing the old 
apparatus. This provided him with the best of the two worlds. He had the 
populist support of the rising nationalism while preserving the 
resources, the loyalty, and the mature organization of the Communist 
Party and the state apparatus. Remarkably, he managed to be perceived as 
both a defender of the status quo and the leader of the revolutionary 
nationalist opposition.

Drakulic: Gorbachev did not succeed in doing that in Russia.

Popovic: Right. Milosevic managed to play Gorbachev and Yeltsin in one 
person because he made his choice so early. His contradictory position 
called for walking a tight-rope. Lord Owen was so impressed with 
Milosevic that he called him "a politician to the tips of his fingers." 
He is a man of no convictions, no interest in ideas. He just plays the 
power game for its own sake. He's an empty container that others filled 
with their own agendas and political energy. He uses Tito's legacy of 
manipulating various ethnic groups to the point that everybody felt 
ruled by others. He played very well to that feeling in Serbia. He 
overblew the Kosovo problem to show the Serbs that they should not be 
"ruled by others." This feeling of being ruled by others existed 
everywhere. In other ex-communist countries, that feeling related to the 
Russians. Since Yugoslavia was not dominated by the USSR, Milosevic 
realized that others in Yugoslavia can play that role of Russians for 
us. He encouraged a similar process in Croatia and then they in turn 
reinforced him in Serbia.

Drakulic: How much substance do you think there is in mutual accusations 
of domination over oneself?

Popovic: In a way it was true. If you remember from time to time in 
Yugoslavia, one or the other Communist leadership-in Croatia, Slovenia, 
or in Serbia-would come up with a program of reform in order to enhance 
their legitimacy with the population. When one of these leaderships 
would stick out, Tito would summon the rest and construct the consensus 
that this reformist leadership was on the wrong track. He would isolate 
them and either bring them back into line or replace them. This happened 
in Slovenia in the '60s, in Croatia in the '70s, in Serbia in the '70s. 
Tito and the party always described their acts as the "Leninist 
principle of democratic centralism." The centre was Tito himself, of 
course. As a result, everybody felt that he would be better off without 
the others. While Tito rightly claimed that he and the Communist Party 
were the cement that held Yugoslavia together, the centrifugal forces 
exploded after he and the Communist Party disappeared from the picture.

Drakulic: Do you actually admire Milosevic, in a way, or do you just 
respect him as a politician?

Popovic: I don't have any kind of respect. He looks to me like a crazy 
person holding a gun, say, in a restaurant, and controlling everybody 
else for the time being, until somebody comes in and handcuffs him. He 
is successful because he is ruthless, and he is ready to act against his 
own interests. His policy will end in a catastrophe. The weakness of the 
opposition makes it more probable that it will be the catastrophe of the 
Serbian people.

Drakulic: The opposition is fractured and bent on weakening itself as 
soon as it gains some momentum. Why?

Popovic: You are right; the Serbian opposition really are afraid of 
succeeding. Milosevic made it clear all along that the Communist Party 
came to power by force, and that it can be put out of power only by 
force. The opposition could win the elections, yet Milosevic might 
refuse to give power over to them. That would mean civil war in Serbia. 
I think they feel, "What use is it to win the election, if that road 
leads to civil war?" And I think a lot of Serbian voters feel that way. 
The opposition is so fragmented because of Milosevic's pranks. He took 
up the rightist nationalist position (which in other parts of Yugoslavia 
was the strongest opposition against Communists) while keeping the 
Communists' grip on the economy, media, and the police apparatus. Very 
little political space remained available for anybody else, either on 
the right or the left. The remaining space on the far right was taken up 
initially by the Chetniks and the Serbians' Renewal Movement of 
Draskovic. And on the left the extreme positions were taken by the 
Communists for Yugoslavia, the so-called Generals' Party headed by 
Veljko Kadijevic, and an insignificant group of old-timers, the 
Communist Party. So the opposition held a peripheral position from the 
beginning. That's what made them weak.

Drakulic: What about the Democratic Party of Dragoljub Micunovic?

Popovic: That was the only party that tried to place itself in the 
centre. It had no chance. From thevery beginning it was squeezed between 
the Milosevic's Socialist Party and the Reformist Party of Ante 
Markovic, who also aspired to the centre. So democratic parties from the 
very beginning appeared opportunistic, without real identity, attracting 
moderate nationalists, or moderate leftist-leaning people. So, it was 
labeled as wishy washy, as lacking a well-defined program. That's how 
they fared in the election.

Drakulic: Do you then say that Milosevic is also covering the centre of 
the political spectrum in Serbia?

Popovic: He has been covering the whole spectrum from the very 
beginning. Of course the Serbian political arena has considerably 
changed during the war, creating some problems for him. Once the war 
started, he had to adapt his policies to preserve the dominant position. 
The Yugoslav army was defeated in Croatia, where its original goal was 
to defeat Tudjman, occupy Croatia, and bring it back into Yugoslavia.

Afterwards, his political goal shifted from preserving Yugoslavia to a 
more modest one of creating a Greater Serbia. When he made this shift he 
had to move from the Yugoslav Communist army generals towards Serbian 
nationalists. That is when he purged the army of the pro-Yugoslavian 
communistTitoist officers-in 1992, before he attacked Bosnia. He 
replaced them with Serbian nationalists. I think this move gave rise to 
the ultrarightist Radical Party, which advocated Greater Serbia from the 
very beginning and whose goal Milosevic has to share now. They appeared 
to be the strongest since they were able to articulate openly these 
ultra-nationalist goals. At the time Milosevic had to deny that he was 
even at war; the radical party fought that war. Their leader Vojislav 
Seselj forged paramilitary troops which were very active in the Bosnian 
war, in Croatia as well, but especially in the Bosnian war. Milosevic 
actually had to form something of a coalition with the Radical Party. He 
gained popularity by waging the war. Now he will gain popularity by 
ending it.

Drakulic: Does that mean you see Milosevic staying in power for a long 
time yet?

Popovic: Milosevic is his own most dangerous opponent. He is going to 
ruin the country and that will ultimately bring his end, but it will 
take along time.

Drakulic: So you don't think that by becoming a "peace party," so to 
speak-by making his Socialist Party a party of compromise-he can succeed 
in bringing about the end of war in Bosnia or the end of these clashes 
in Croatia?

Popovic: I think he will succeed with his new peace policy because of 
the poverty, unemployment, inflation, and economic catastrophe in 
Serbia. In the long run, something important has happened in Serbia that 
has received little attention. We have talked about "pendulum-ology"-the 
dynamics of Serbian politics, but there is also a sociological aspect. 
What Milosevic has done in Serbia has lasting consequences and is not 
strictly a question of politics. He was able to conduct a social 
revolution of the underclass. His support comes from the Serbians who 
never participated in the political process-the poor peasants, rural 
people, retired people, housewives, the uneducated-against the middle 
class. This support helped him lead what I call the "Industrial 

Drakulic: Are you speaking about the "Eighteenth Brumaire" of Slobodan 
Milosevic then?

Popovic: Yes, his program is basically regressive and cuts deeply. If 
you look at Serbia today, industrial production is down by 60%; market 
trade has replaced all monetary transactions (there won't be any money 
in Serbia anymore); towns are being destroyed; people are returning to 
villages; there is no international trade, needs are constantly being 

It deserves to be called the Industrial Counter-Revolution. He led this 
underclass openly to reject the very idea of progress and modernity, 
which he described as a means of cultural, economic, political hegemony 
by the "imperial centres of Western civilization." This underclass 
followed him in rejecting it. They feel that he helped them move from 
the periphery of Western civilization to the centre of Milosevic's new 
world order. They experience a tremendous sense of importance now. Their 
adventures are given media attention all over the world. World leaders 
try to influence them. They meet to negotiate with Serbian truck drivers 
and Belgrade criminals and thugs or second-rate rioters. They feel that 
they have gained an unprecedented importance. If the New York Times is 
writing about Arkan, while Tito could hardly make news in the New York 
Times, of course Milosevic's followers think people recognize how 
important the Serbian nation is. They're getting into history through 
the entrance for thugs. You can always become notorious by getting on 
top of a building and shooting 15 people and that's what they are 
experiencing now.

Drakulic: We turned to talking about the opposition in Serbia, but 
notice that we then reverted to talking about power in Serbia. Why is 
that so? Why, whenever we start talking about the opposition in Serbia, 
do we end up talking about the government?

Popovic: The weakness of the opposition is just another side of the same 
coin of Milosevic's power.

Drakulic: What chances do you give to the anti-war opposition?

Popovic: This is the only true opposition to Milosevic. This opposition 
was from the very beginning almost insignificant. It's mainly 
represented by the Civil Alliance, a party that was formed by the 
remnants of the Reformist Party of Markovic. With some NGO groups, the 
Center for Anti-War Action, the Fund for Humanitarian Law, and the 
so-called Belgrade Circle (a discussion club of liberal Belgrade 
intellectuals), they opposed from the beginning the first nationalist 
hysteria that ruled Serbia. Then they opposed the war and advocated 
democracy and human rights. Their influence was negligible because it 
was restricted to urban, well-educated and younger parts of the 
population. But they were the first ones, as Americans would say, to 
vote with their feet and leave Serbia, once it collapsed into this 
primitive nationalist hysteria. An estimated 400,000 inhabitants of 
Belgrade left the country in the last four years and 200,000 students 
emigrated to avoid mobilization. This exodus continues and makes it 
unlikely that this true democratic opposition could play a permanent 
role in the future. Milosevic has defeated the Serbian middle class.

Drakulic: And that is the defeat of modernism as well?

Popovic: Yes, the middle class was the advocate of modernism.

Drakulic: You signed a petition last fall calling for the bombing of the 
Serb positions in Bosnia or even Serbia. I would expect people to ask 
you certain questions, such as: Are you not committing an act of treason 
against your own people, let alone the state of Serbia?

Popovic: Well, I'm a lawyer, so technically yes, I am committing an act 
of treason under Serbian laws. But I distinguish between the interests 
of the Serbian state and the Serbian people and I think these interests 
are opposed at this moment. The military defeat of the Milosovic 
government is in the best interest of the Serbian people. It is 
something that every good Serbian patriot should wish for. I don't think 
I betrayed my people.

Drakulic: From a Serbnationalist point of view one could also say that 
you are now siding with the Moslem, or Croat secessionists vis-a-vis 
Yugoslavia, against the Serb secessionists vis-a-vis Croatia or 
Bosnia-Herzegovina. How would you respond to that?

Popovic: I was against secessionism from the very beginning. I thought 
that Yugoslavia was an idea that made sense. The disaster was started by 
Milosevic with the help of the Yugoslav Army. The amount of hatred, 
resentment, revanchism, is enormous, and you can no longer even 
contemplate any Yugoslavia, at least in the foreseeable future. But I 
understood from the very beginning that the duty of any reasonable and 
honest person in former Yugoslavia is to oppose the aggressive 
militaristic nationalist policies of his own government. If everybody 
did so, this war wouldn't have happened. It is my duty to be concerned 
with the Serbian government and what it does. It is Croatians' duty to 
be concerned with what the Croatian government does. If we did 
otherwise, we would be just helping to reproduce the same process.

Drakulic: By signing such a petition, are you not suggesting that 
violence and war can solve certain political problems, such as the 
problem of an armed Serb seccession from Bosnia-Herzegovina, or from 

Popovic: I think that's an unfair question. If I see somebody trying to 
murder somebody else, of course my duty is to try to stop him. I'm not 
saying that by doing so and applying violence to the situation, I'm 
actually trying to help those people lead a good life. I don't know what 
they will do once they leave the scene. What I see Serbs doing in Bosnia 
is committing an act of aggression against a state that has been 
recognized by United Nations, and I see them committing genocide. I 
think that both of these things should be stopped. Of course, stopping 
it would not solve the problem of how these people will live next to 
each other in the future, but first you have to stop the crimes. The 
international community has an obligation to do so, under the Convention 
on Genocide and the Charter of the United Nations. They have an 
obligation to use force to stop aggression, and to stop genocide.

Drakulic: But in Central Bosnia then, wouldn't they have to bomb the 
Croats when they commit genocide against the Moslems? Or bomb the Serbs 
when they commit genocide against the Croats? And wouldn't they have to 
bomb the Moslems whenever they commit genocide against whomever-Croats 
or Serbs?

Popovic: I don't think that all three sides are equally responsible for 
the beginning or that all three sides are equally guilty of war crimes. 
I think Milosevic and the Yugoslav Army (which was a formidable force) 
started the war. And the worst and most numerous war crimes were 
committed by the Serbian side. I leave it to the Croatian opposition to 
call for stopping Croatian aggression, because I think it is tactically 
wrong that I do so.

Drakulic: By subscribing to an armed intervention against Serb forces, 
are you not actually subscribing to the inevitable war crimes that would 
be committed against this Serb population? Serb forces are 
indistinguishable on the ground from the civilian population. They sit 
in the Serbian villages and bomb Sarajevo.

Popovic: In any armed conflict there will be civilian casualties. 
Unfortunately, that's something that can't be avoided. But I don't think 
that this fact should prevent the international community from doing 
what they are obliged to do under the international law: stopping the 
aggression, stopping the genocide. It sounds nice to advocate peaceful 
means, but it is not realistic. I return to this parallel: If you see 
some big guy beating a kid in the street, it would be very good if you 
could go to him and say "Please stop this, you shouldn't be doing this, 
it is uncivilized. This poor guy cannot defend himself." No, if that 
doesn't work, you call the police, who have to use violence. At this 
point in history you have to revert to violence to stop crime.

Drakulic: I don't know if you saw Noam Chomsky's book, The Prosperous 
Few and the Restless Many, published in September by Odonian Press. It 
contains the interviews that David Barsamian did-the man who appeared in 
the movie "Manufacturing Consent." There are a few pages in it, under 
the title "Slav Against Slav," where Chomsky was asked this same 
question. He says: "It's [bombing the artillery emplacements around 
Sarajevo] not only a moral issue-you have to ask about the consequences, 
and they could be quite complex. What if a Balkan War were set off? One 
consequence is that conservative military forces within Russia could 
move in. They're already there, in fact, to support their Slavic 
brothers in Serbia. They might move in en masse." On page 38 he says: 
"At that point you are getting fingers on nuclear weapons involved. It's 
also entirely possible that an attack on the Serbs, who feel that 
they're the aggrieved party, could inspire them to move more 
aggressively in Kosovo, the Albanian area. That could set off a 
large-scale war, with Greece and Turkey involved." What is your comment 
on this?

Popovic: Life is risky. If you considered all the possible consequences 
of getting out of the house, you would stay in your room all your life. 
I think this is a rationalization of a lot of people who live in the 
West and who see no stake for them in that faraway Balkan conflict.

Drakulic: My questions could leave an impression that I consider you an 
anti-pacifist or even a war-monger. I happen to know that you are not. 
To come back to the call for the bombing of one's own "people," would 
you say that you signed that petition because of the circumstances and 
not because you think in principle that such measures solve problems?

Popovic: I'll go even further. I signed this document knowing perfectly 
well that this will never happen. I did it as a gesture to show that I 
realized who's the main culprit in the Yugoslav conflict. And I wanted 
to express my opinion that this govern-mentwould de-serve it, even 
thoughit, will never happen.

/At the time of the interview Slobodan Drakulic was an associate 
researcher at the School of Russian and East European Studies, 
University of Toronto./


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