From Drew Phillips:


NYC: 4/16

Reverend Billy blessing and exorcising Kimmel Center, commemorating 
Take Back NYU!'s February Occupation

Take Back NYU! welcomes the Stop Shopping spiritual sensation (and 
NYC mayoral candidate!) REVEREND BILLY to NYU for a sermon on free 
speech and dissent outside the Kimmel
Center.  The sermon will commemorate the hundreds-strong show of 
support for Take Back
NYU!'s February occupation, and exorcise spirits that led to the 
pepper-spraying and clubbing
of demonstrators in the streets the night of 2/19.

The sermon will  be held at 7:30 on Thursday 4/16 outside NYU's 
Kimmel Center at 60
Washington Square South.

He will begin speaking at 6:30 in Jerry H. Labowitz Theater at 715 
Broadway and then
will move to Kimmel at 7:30.


NYC: 4/16 talk by one of the Angola 3 (pushed back to 8.30 pm!)

"I was born in the U.S.A.  Born black, born poor. Is it then any 
wonder that I have spent
most of my life in prison?"
-Robert Hillary King


A Talk by Robert Hillary King, the Only Freed Member of the Angola 3

In 1970, a jury convicted Robert Hillary King (formerly known as 
Robert King Wilkerson) of a crime he did not commit and sentenced him 
to 35 years in prison. He became a member of the Black Panther Party 
while in Angola State Penitentiary, successfully organizing prisoners 
to improve conditions. In return, prison authorities beat him, 
starved him, and gave him life without parole after framing him for a 
second crime. He was thrown into solitary confinement, where he 
remained in a six-by-nine foot cell for 29 years as one of "the 
Angola 3." In 2001, the state grudgingly acknowledged his innocence 
and set him free.

The conditions King endured in Angola almost defy description, yet 
King never gave up his humanity, nor his tireless work towards 
justice for all prisoners. That work continues to this day, now "from 
the outside" - as he speaks out against the failures and inequities 
of the criminal injustice system, and fights to free his Angola 3 
comrades Herman Wallace and Albert Woodfox, who have been behind bars 
for 36 years, most of them in solitary confinement.

Robert King's story is one of inspiration, courage, and the triumph 
of the human spirit. Says Malik Rahim, co-founder of Common Ground 
Collective (in post-Katrina New Orleans): "For a person to go through 
29 years in one of the most brutal prisons in America and still 
maintain his sanity and humanity, that's what makes people want to 
listen to Robert."

Co-sponsored by African Cultural Union and Students Creating Radical Change

Thursday, April 16, 8:30 p.m. (NOTE THE TIME CHANGE!)
Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Square South, Room 405.
Free and open to the public

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