Hello All,
I am bit new to Ganesha. Forgive me for long email.

I wanted to make use of DRC code to understand its functionality. I have
instrumented Ganesha code such that response to the initial request (which
can be cached) gets dropped, so that there will be re-transmission of the
request, and the request gets served from the DRC. I code change is as
--- a/src/MainNFSD/nfs_worker_thread.c
+++ b/src/MainNFSD/nfs_worker_thread.c
@@ -1330,8 +1330,10 @@ void nfs_rpc_execute(request_data_t *reqdata)


                /* encoding the result on xdr output */
-               if (!svc_sendreply(xprt, &reqdata->r_u.req.svc,
+               if (!(reqdesc->dispatch_behaviour & CAN_BE_DUP) &&
+                       !svc_sendreply(xprt, &reqdata->r_u.req.svc,
                                   (caddr_t) res_nfs)) {

When I use this code for creating a file from RHEL 7.2 client, via NFSv3
mount, even if I wait for 15-20 minutes, client do not report successful
file creation/nor a failure.
I used "touch" command. Whereas the file gets created at the server side
(as expected). The client keeps on re-transmitting the request and never
reaches the DR cache.
Further code study indicated that the hash-key, was different for every
request, and hence, when it was a re-transmition, then it was not getting
hit from the cache and it was treated as new request (and for new request,
the response was dropped purposely). So in short it was never ending story.
Am I doing something wrong ? It is a code issue or something else ?

struct dupreq_entry {
        struct opr_rbtree_node rbt_k;
        uint64_t hk;            /* hash key */
Current code assign the hash-key as below (function - nfs_dupreq_start):
        /* TI-RPC computed checksum */
        dk->hk = req->rq_cksum;

If I change above code to make use of constant hash value, say 1, it works.
But having hash value 1 is meaningless. As the DRC entries we storing are
as per the client, making use of client address to calculate hash would be
more meaningful (but not sure).
My below code modification works.
--- a/src/RPCAL/nfs_dupreq.c
+++ b/src/RPCAL/nfs_dupreq.c
@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ dupreq_status_t nfs_dupreq_start(nfs_request_t *reqnfs,

        /* TI-RPC computed checksum */
-       dk->hk = req->rq_cksum;
+       dk->hk = drc->d_u.tcp.hk; /* we have the hash readily available */

        dk->state = DUPREQ_START;
        dk->timestamp = time(NULL);

Let me know whether above kind of hash key is correct or I should make use
of xid to get hash value.
Thanks in advance.

with regards,
Sachin Punadikar
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