Re: Results of our community survey

2016-09-05 Thread v3ss0n
It seems that after the survey , you guys are going to focus on:

Standard Library IDE Documentation Language Stability

In this order?

I would suggest to not developing full IDE (Aproia ) but focusing on Sublime 
and Atom addons. 

Re: Methods at the compile time: Does it work as intended?

2016-09-05 Thread bozaloshtsh
According to the 
 you cannot evaluate methods at compile time.

"other optimizations like compile time evaluation or dead code elimination do 
not work with methods."

Methods at the compile time: Does it work as intended?

2016-09-05 Thread xomachine

I've encountered a method related problem at the compile time. Take a look at 
the code:

  AnimalObj* = object of RootObj
  Animal* = ref AnimalObj
  Cat* = ref object of AnimalObj
  Dog* = ref object of AnimalObj

method kind(o: Animal): string {.base.} =

method kind(o: Cat): string =

method kind(o: Dog): string =

proc newCat*(): Cat =

proc newDog*(): Dog =

  let animals: seq[Animal] = @[newCat(), newDog()]
  echo "Compile time:"
  for animal in animals:
echo animal.kind().repr

echo "Run time:"
let rtanimals: seq[Animal] = @[newCat(), newDog()]
for animal in rtanimals:
  echo animal.kind().repr

After running it I've got the following result:

$ nim c --run mwe.nim
Compile time:
Run time:

So, looks like methods are not working at the compile time. Is it a bug?

Re: What are

2016-09-05 Thread didlybom
Thank you. That seems interesting. It seems this could be used to simply memory 
management when not using a GC... Hopefully the syntax will be nice and will 
make it easy to add variables to regions and not require manually destroying 
the region when you area done unless you want to (i.e. make it possible to 
associate a memory region to a scope, for example).

Recreating threads?

2016-09-05 Thread shaunc
I have code in the following general form:

while ...:

It works the first iteration, but the threads don't seem to start on the 2nd 
iteration. Is there any reason/workaround for this?

One obvious workaround would be to make the threads global, so they only have 
to be started once. However, the general structure of the program is something 


where threads will be doing something different in A, B and C -- so having to 
have all threads global requires a good bit more complexity. 

Re: Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-05 Thread euant
**@honhon**: Actually, GitBook the tool is open source, but GitBook the 
commercial hosted company is not. We would be self hosting the actual generated 
documentation rather than using their hosted service :)

And yes, Django has some of the nicest documentation I've seen. I'd love to see 
libraries and the standard library documented in such a way, and it's 
definitely improving recently which is excellent! This project is more aimed at 
[the tutorials]( than 
the library documentation, similar to [Django's 

**@jlp765** I would look at it, but I've never actually written much C and 
doubt I could offer much advice/help on that front I'm afraid!

Re: Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-05 Thread jlp765
I added some more comparisons to the `Nim for C programmers` if someone can 
sanity check it (Comments, var parameters to procs, simple casting).

I looked at the `Nim for Python programmers` and wondered whether the tuple 
syntax example were correct (I thought it should be round brackets not square, 
except when defining a tuple[] type).

Re: What are

2016-09-05 Thread OderWat
Maybe this will help: [Region-Based Memory 

Afaik it means that you do not count individual allocations but just alloc 
everything from a block of memory. After leaving the local area you throw away 
everything. Stuff you want to keep is copied before the destruction.

Re: Tabulation symbols not allowed

2016-09-05 Thread vlad1777d
> With proportional fonts unfortunately 2 spaces generate a tiny indent step. 
> So I have to use 3 or 4 spaces, or finally a tab! I think I will do the later 
> with the replace command mentioned above. The only disadvantage is that 
> github puts 8 spaces for each tab, so I have to convert files before 
> uploading to github.

I use fixed width fonts only for convenience of reading (and then, because they 
were installed by default) (I use default fonts because this is not important 
for me). You can use any, which you want.

But forbidding tabs I don't like. It's bad idea, as I think. It's not difficult 
to allow them in the source code of Nim's compiler. Compilerlanguage is 
instrument for every humangroup of people, so, as I think, everybody can choose 
one, which is most convenient for himthem.

What are "memory regions"

2016-09-05 Thread didlybom
In another thread (related to working without a GC) there was some mention of 
"memory regions". Could somebody kindly give an overview of what they are and 
how they would be used? Is this something that is being worked on for pre-1.0?

Re: Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-05 Thread honhon

Its great you want to contribute with documentation.

Gitbook seems to be a locked in service. Django Framework is an example of 
fantastic documentation for an opensource project and it uses RestructuredText 
and Sphinx which are both opensource and self hosted. The documentation 
presentation for Django is great but the real value is in the comprehensive 
nature of the documentation and the completeness.

Documentation seems to be improving lately for Nim which is fantastic. For me 
presentation could be improved but there is still documentation that is terse 
and incomplete. I would like to learn more Nim and if I had time I could put in 
more effort to look through the codebase to discover how things work, but I 
simply don't have time.

Easy to use, and complete documentation makes a project more attractive and 
also more credible.

Re: Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-05 Thread euant
**@Kerp** Yep, you're correct, there are a couple of "Nim for X programmers" on 
GitHub in the Nim Wiki - they should probably be better surfaced:

  * [Nim for C 
  * [Nim for Python 

My plan is to include some kind of glossary of terms with some simple 
explanations and links to relevant areas of discussion. I also plan to ship 
some examples of usage with the documentation I'm writing too.

**@jlp765** Yes, I think a roundup/review of what needs improving in the 
documentation every so often could be immensely useful. I can't contribute too 
much to the core or standard library or such due to time constraints, but 
editing a paragraph or two o documentation a night is something I can easily do 
(and I suspect others are in a similar position). Knowing what to focus on 
would definitely help and is one of the ideas behind this topic.

plastic pipe market

2016-09-05 Thread qianyuqianxun
The market is not standard, and some low-quality product quality, affect the 
healthy development of the industry - because the plastic pipe market is not 
standard, and some buyers 
 wood 2x6 for roof[/url] who use the product is not the end, do not pay 
attention to the brand and quality, are formed on the market is not the same 
quality together with the presence of the product, and even some low post when 
the geology is very good product to sell, and PVC-U pipe is quite serious.

The cost of PVC-U pipes, the material quoted accounted for about 70% of the 
company through a single wall thickness is reduced, a lot of calcium carbonate 
and other methods to increase product 
 Friendly Teak Deck[/url] costs decline, the formation of low-quality product 
quality. There's not the same as two or more companies to use the trademark 
quality, the use of low-level processing equipment, drinking water pipes lead 
salt stabilizer selected production methods to reduce costs, harm the interests 
of consumers and industry spoils the promise.
Quality of construction projects should further improve --PVC-U pipeline 
project depends largely on the level of construction quality, good products and 
appropriate to ensure outstanding running ability construction pipeline systems 
engineering. Some engineering skills 
 Composite Plank,Vinyl Composite Material Manufacturer[/url] of personnel lack 
professional training, follow metal tube method in practice for design and 
construction, there is a situation of non-standard construction, construction 
and other rough, not fully function both PVC-U pipes, as well as the formation 
of the pipeline damage. Some users still do not know the current plastic pipe 
according to how the procedure for the construction, supervision and other 

Re: Concept[T] design question

2016-09-05 Thread mora
@zahary It becomes more and more obvious that I won't have time to work on Nim 
nowadays. It is my regular job which put more load on me.

Coming back to `Concept[T]`, I can see 3 possible ways to continue.

**1.**: allow inference only if its unique. So `c.push(T)` only works if there 
is one `push` function, or we already know what `T` type is (e.g., we know that 
it is `string`).

**2.**: allow inference to metatypes. So `c.push(T)` can lead to `T` being 
`string|int`. I recommend an extra check at the end. That is if you have a 
match (e.g., `T` is `int` and `S` is `int`), then reevaluate the concept's body 
again just to be sure. (Just for the record, the reason for this extra check is 
an example above somewhere in this thread.)

**3.**: allow some extremely smart logic which infers everything which is 
possible. This needs to involve some backtrack logic.

I would vote to `1.`, but that doesn't work with your `Stack[T]` case. I'm 
strongly against with `3.`, because it can lead to extreme compilation time. 
`2.` looks nice.

Re: Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-05 Thread Kerp
Being a someone who is kinda new to the terminology of computer science i find 
that in nim the documentation may be perfect for seasoned people who have a 
clue, but i did not at first. Till i started searching individual topics like, 
hygenic macros and such.

So my suggestion to add to this is that while maybe, documentation that 
approaches the novice or noob have an appendix of the explanations of the 
terminology that is used in the documentation on this website. I wish i would 
have had it, and maybe i still need it? i dunno, i like all the ideas here and 
would like to help but i am not self confident enough to volunteer yet.

i like jlp765's idea of a periodic "lets figure this out together moment". 
maybe based on problems people from other languages who do not know nim so well 
like me, need to know.

For instance maybe pointer arithmetic... its different in c than in nim to do 
it. i think without someone like Araq showing how to do it would be a challenge 
to say the least, for me at least i know!

But in the same though maybe a category like "coming from c to nim" or "from 
python to nim" would be good. i think some stuff is like that on github already.

Re: Nim Documentation - a GitBook version

2016-09-05 Thread jlp765
(Maybe the following should be a different thread?)

To improve the documentation

  * Anyone can raise a PR, but my perception is that very few do so (given a 
lot of people think the doco is inadequate or can be improved?)
  * How do you enable getting many people to effectively contribute to 
improving the doco? (maybe a weekly topic on the forum to review a 
module/topic/?? )
  * Sure we can improve the doco, but who will drive it, and what will it be?