Re: Connecting Nim with Python

2016-09-26 Thread alfrednewman
I tried with c_wchar_p, as well as, with c_char_p. Either way, didn't work.

mystring = c_char_p("robert james fischer")
test_lib.AmericanSoundex.argtype = c_char_p
test_lib.AmericanSoundex.restype = c_char_p
soundex_res = test_lib.AmericanSoundex(mystring)
print('The Soundex is: %s'%soundex_res)

After converting the mystring to bytes I’m getting: The Soundex is: b'x04'

Do you know what C type the nim code for AmericanSoundex is being converted 
into ?

Re: Connecting Nim with Python

2016-09-26 Thread Nimwolf
Try inserting this before your function call:

test_lib.AmericanSoundex.argtype = (c_wchar_p)
test_lib.AmericanSoundex.restype = (c_wchar_p)

Connecting Nim with Python

2016-09-26 Thread alfrednewman

I made some experiences connecting Nim with Python. At this page 
 there are some cool hints about how to do that. However, I got some issues 
interfacing with string types.

How can I declare a string at Nim and how should I treat it in Python ?

I have the following code in Nim ('nim2py.nim)':

proc AmericanSoundexCode(ch: char): int =
case ch:
of 'B', 'F', 'P', 'V' : return 1
of 'C', 'G', 'J', 'K', 'Q', 'S', 'X', 'Z' : return 2
of 'D', 'T'   : return 3
of 'L': return 4
of 'M', 'N'   : return 5
of 'R': return 6
of 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y'   : return -1
else  : return 0

proc AmericanSoundex*(word: string): string {. exportc, dynlib .} =
  var output   = newString(4)
  var lastCode = 0
  var i, j = 0
  # Get the first character
  while i < word.len:
var ch = word[i]
inc i
# Reduce a lowercase character to an uppercase character
if (( >= 97) and ( <= 122)): dec ch, 32
if (( >= 65) and ( <= 90)):
  lastCode = AmericanSoundexCode(ch)
  if lastCode < 0: lastCode = 0
  output[j] = ch
  inc j
  # Now lets hash the rest of this stuff
  while i < word.len:
var ch = word[i]
inc i
# Reduce a lowercase character to an uppercase character
if (( >= 97) and ( <= 122)): dec ch, 32
if (( >= 65) and ( <= 90)):
  var code = AmericanSoundexCode(ch)
  case code:
of 0: continue
of -1:
  lastCode = 0
  if code != lastCode:
lastCode = code
output[j] = char(code + 48)
inc j
if j == 4: break
  # Pad the remainder of the string with zeroes
  while j < 4:
output[j] = '0'
inc j
  # We are done
  return output

In Python I'm doing the following:

from ctypes import *

def main():
test_lib = CDLL('nim2py')
mystring = "robert james fischer"
soundex_res = test_lib.AmericanSoundex(mystring)
print('The Soundex is: %s'%soundex_res)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Here's the output I'm getting:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 33, in 
File "", line 29, in main
soundex_res = test_lib.AmericanSoundex(mystring)

ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 1: : wrong type

After converting the mystring to bytes I’m getting:

The Soundex is: b'x04'

Sorry, but I’m not sure where to go next other...

Hydraulic Cone Crusher Becomes the Advantageous Product on the Market

2016-09-26 Thread dongfang
The mining machinery industry has stepped into a new level with the constant 
innovation and progresses of science and technology.](
 " >crushing chamber of crusher And the crusher industry in our country 
also has achieved a number of breakthroughs. Based on the market demands, our 
crusher industry has formed a complete product chain, covering jaw crusher, 
impact crusher, cone crusher, sand maker, mobile crushing station, construction 
waste processing equipment, as well as the full set of sandstone production 
line and the matching products. Chinese cone crusher is very common in the 
international markets. Our hydraulic cone crusher combines with the latest 
research findings at home and abroad](
 ">gold ore wet plant and is able to meet the ever-increasing market 
requirements. China hydraulic cone crusher employs the spring safety device and 
hydraulic cleaning room, which is more economical and practical. When China 
hydraulic cone crusher is working, the motor drives the triangular belt, big 
pulley, transmission shaft and the eccentric straps of both bevel gear wheel 
and bevel pinion to rotate. The power of the crushing cone rotating the 
eccentric annulus makes the crushing wall leave the rolling mortar wall. After 
crushed by hydraulic cone crusher for several times and reaching to the desired 
particle size, the materials will be discharged from the bottom. ZENITH 
Machinery is a professional Chinese cone crusher manufacturer. We have 
optimized and modified our cone crusher machine from various aspects. The newly 
developed hydraulic cone crusher is characterized by strong crushing ability, 
good particle shape, long working life of spare parts, easy maintenance, low 
production cost,](
 ">mineral dressing ore crusher rational structure, reliable operation, 
progressive crushing principle and high working efficiency. Now China hydraulic 
cone crusher becomes the advantageous product on the market.

Re: Stream data type

2016-09-26 Thread pdv
There is a new 
 module in nimboost. It provides API close to streams module in stdlib, so it's 
probably too low-level for your standards, though.

As for a cleaner abstraction, you might want to look into 
[iteratees]( for that - seems close to 
what you're talking about.