Re: New blog posting

2016-10-04 Thread adrianv
nice post - now the perl guys can use nim too

Re: Version 0.15 released!

2016-10-04 Thread jibal
FYI, the expression is "pulled the trigger". Pulling the plug on something 
means sending it down the drain and is not a good thing.

Re: Version 0.15 released!

2016-10-04 Thread Araq
Because these operators need some serious tinkering in the prepasses of 
templates and generics to work reliably. It took weeks to get `a[i]` to work 
reliably (note that it can either mean array access or generic instantiation!) 
in these contexts and I am quite sure `()` and `.` are as much work. 
"Experimental" does not mean "will be removed" but it means "unlikely to get 
stable any time soon and will not prevent the release of version 1".

Re: Nim Chess 2 with transposition table support is available

2016-10-04 Thread Stefan_Salewski
As Flyx reported in IRC, unfortunately this chess game does not work on mac OSX 
currently, lib gobject can not be loaded. For windows it may work, but 
installing GTK3 developer files on windows seems to be hard for some people 


Nimble install for GTK3 related package does not work currently due to name 
conflicts with legacy gtk2 packages. For Linux you may copy and paste above 
script and execute it in a shell, or you may try the make script from flyx 


Of course default gcc with -O3 gives very large executables. GCC with lto 
enabled can reduce size drastically, in most cases clang with lto enabled give 
smallest executable, which may be a bit slower. There where postings in this 
forum how to enable lto. 

Re: Version 0.15 released!

2016-10-04 Thread andrea
@Araq same for the () operator: it was quite useful in writin the DSL for the 

Re: Version 0.15 released!

2016-10-04 Thread zahary
@Araq, why were the dot operators demoted to an experimental feature? I tried 
to quickly search the issue tracker, but didn't find many issues filed for them.

Re: Nim Chess 2 with transposition table support is available

2016-10-04 Thread Varriount
Don't forget link-time-optimizations. Turning those on tends to make code quite 
a bit smaller.

Re: Nim Chess 2 with transposition table support is available

2016-10-04 Thread RPG
> Good job, but why are you inlining every single procedure?
>> My observation was some time ago, that inline pragma gave advantages.

This is definitely because Nim still doesn't know about static keyword and 
compiler generates less effective code. This is why inline helps much.

I hope C backend will be improved in future. This is not issue, but using 
static for not exported procs could increase performance and produce smaller 

New blog posting

2016-10-04 Thread Araq
I decided to turn my "hack of the month" into a blog post: 