Re: Any chance there will be a wasm backend?

2016-10-31 Thread runvnc
In case anyone thinks web assembly is interesting as a Nim backend or for 
playing around generally, they came out with a browser preview milestone today. 

So I believe I read that the binary format is basically stable now. Of course 
the simplest way to use Nim code is emscripten which now supports web assembly. 
They also have the S-expression wast2wasm tool and this 
 which to me actually the fun thing would be to go more directly from Nim to 
the bytes. Directly meaning skipping the external tools.

Anyway, at least if someone is learning or something and wants to experiment 
with program compilation generally, if they happen to know about Nim and web 
assembly, they seem (to me) like an interesting target. Which I may play with 
it a bit in a non-serious way.

Re: Nim and Qt

2016-10-31 Thread filcuc
Given that i'm the author of both nimqml and DOtherSide...mind to share the 
differences in your project in respect to nimqml?

typed values from c pointer

2016-10-31 Thread bitstorm

I am writing a nim wrapper for a c library and would like to construct a 
sequence of nim items from a generic proc.

I can construct std library types with a call to a constructor like construct 
but this does not work for tuples or objects if i got this right

proc get_item_from_pointer*[T](p: pointer, l_type : MyTypeEnum ; item : var 
T) =
  case l_type
  of  MyTypeEnum.f32 :
  var typed_target = cast[ptr float32](p)


The item construction works for int, float.. but not for custom enum types.

In this example the l_type is the type of the c source pointer, item has the 
type I want to construct and f32 encodes float32

But I do need a "constructor" for a self defined tuple type which is not 
available by the type name - only by ()

Is there a way to construct a tuple or object based on the type information in 
a generic function like T() above? Maybe a way to identify tuple/object types?

Kind Regards, b

Compilation breaks without showing an error

2016-10-31 Thread gneu
Just today I started writing my first lines of nim code (great language, I'm 
really excited so far).

Of course I've made some mistakes in my first code parts, but one of these 
mistakes lead to the compiler terminating compilation without giving an error 
or any hint at all of what is going wrong. Though I'm not sure this is the 
right place to report this behavior, I thought better do it here then just 
ignore it.

I had a test program, where I played around with concepts and in one of the 
concepts I had a typo ('x' instead of 't'). This was no problem so far until I 
made an import of the typetraits module. With this import "nim c main.nim" just 
terminates without generating any code and without reporting any error.

Here is a minimal code snippet to reproduce the issue (Nim 0.15.2 Linux amd64): 

import typetraits # without this import the program compiles (and echoes 

  SomeTestConcept = concept t is string # typo: was intended (which would result in 
echo true)

  TestClass = ref object of RootObj
name: string

var test = TestClass(name: "mytest")
echo $(test is SomeTestConcept)

"nim c main.nim" produces: 

Hint: used config file '/home/gneu/nim/nim-0.15.2/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: system [Processing]
Hint: main [Processing]
Hint: typetraits [Processing]

(and no further output)

I think this has something todo with the typetraits module defining a proc or 
method "name" for types. Whatever the reason (and however stupid my sample code 
is), the compiler should never just stop working without giving the tiniest 
hint and what might be the problem.

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-10-31 Thread Stefan_Salewski
No not as a library. But I have not investigated the remaining crashes.

I worked on it two months ago for the last time and used the editor then while 
working on the chess game. For me some crashes are no problem, I saved every 
ten minutes. And I think there are no other users beside me.

One reason why I have not done further investigations was that there are still 
some bugs open in nimsuggest bug tracker, and I wanted not to add more. I think 
you have more important work to do.

When I started with Nim two years ago I had a short look into aporia code -- 
there all nimsuggest related code was incapsulated deeply in try/except blocks 
with permannently restarting the nimsuggest process. I was not really happy 
with that design.

My current code has no try/except and no restart of nimsuggest. For some 
problems I know why they occur, I have reported a few at nimsuggest bug 
tracker, and can report some more. For the remaining problems I have to do some 
investigations. Some problems my be GTK related, fixing these should be easy.


Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-10-31 Thread Araq
Do you use nimsuggest as a library? Because otherwise a crashing process should 
not break your editor process.

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-10-31 Thread vlad1777d
Not nice solution, but better than having crashes when you work on code =)

How to use attatchment effectively in jester?

2016-10-31 Thread shawnye
I write this code: 

get "/attachment":
attachment "public/root/test.rar "
resp readFile "public/root/test.rar "

build on nim 0.15.2 , windows 7

run started : memeory used: 744KiB test.rar is about 5.158MiB, after download 
:memeory used: 46.855MiB

It's totally unacceptable.

So my question is : how to use attatchment effectively or correctly in jester?

Thank you!

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-10-31 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Yes indeed, the test files needs some links before they work. For example in 
~/ngtk3/nim-gtk3/test there is a file called "mach" (make in german language), 
I execute bash make followed by nim c test.nim and ./test. But these tests are 
nearly obsolete now, as long as chess works. It may be possible to avoid all 
these links when you enter all the wrapper directories and type somethink like 
"nimble install" there. I tried that once, it was working for me. But I guess 
it will generate problems for people who have installed the legacy aporia 
related gtk2 nimble wrappers.

But when you manage to get nim-chess2 working, you can follow exactly that 
pattern for every Nim GTK3 application. You may also try the Nim GTK3 editor 
NEd from []( I have 
not yet tested it with latest Nim v 0.15.2 -- with v 0.15.0 it was working, but 
still sometimes crashed. Some crashes are related to nimsuggest, so fixing is 
not that easy. Of course I may wrap the nimsuggest crashes with try/except and 
so more or less ignore it. But I consider that not a really nice solution. 

Import from parent directory

2016-10-31 Thread vlad1777d
Hello dear friends.

I can import from subdirectories so: import subdir/some_module , or so: import 

I can import from parent directory so: import ../some_module

I can import from parent directory and it's subdirectory so: import 

But I can't use points there: import ..subdir_of_parent.some_module >> error

Is it really one way to do this (while to import from subdir we can with two 
ways)? (if yes, why not to add ways with points only andor with slashes only?)

Thank you.

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-10-31 Thread vlad1777d
I took information from here: 
 about path option and .cfg files, here: 
 about import system, and added nim.cfg with:\--path: "gui"|   
, added folder "gui", where were simulinks to all .nim wrappers - all worked.

I'll try to work with it more. (system: Debian x64 unstable)

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-10-31 Thread vlad1777d
I added gdk3.nim to the folder, where gtk3.nim was, it imported, now same error 
is while importing glib: 
 6) Error: cannot open 'glib' """

Do I need to place them in one directory, or I can make some configure for this?

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-10-31 Thread vlad1777d
Thank you, I understood my error. I need links to all those libraries (i placed 
test file with gtk3.nim in one folder).

But I have now such issue: 
6) Error: cannot open 'gdk3'""" with your test file from one of those libraries.
