Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-11-12 Thread vlad1777d
But do you know what to do with this error? 

Re: Fun with deduplicate

2016-11-12 Thread Krux02
yes of course sorting is slow, when comparison is slow, but most of the time 
comparison is not too complicated. For the following use case, there is a way 
to reduce the calculation costs. (warnig all non tested pseudocode, not even 
checket if I use sort correctly)

var someData: seq[A] = ...
proc cmp(lhs,rhs:A): int = cmp(someComplexCalculation(lhs), 
result = someData.sort(cmp)

to something like this:

var someData: seq[A] = ...
var tmp = newSeq[tuple[index:int, value: B]](someData.len)

for i,val in someData:
  tmp[i] = someComplexCalculation(val)

proc cmp(lhs,rhs : tuple[index:int, value: B]): int = cmp(lhs.value, 
for i,val in tmp:
  result[i] = someData[val.index]

now the someComplexCalculation is only used _N_ times, instead of _N log N_

Re: Promoting Nim via Exercism

2016-11-12 Thread hcorion
Wow! Very cool! The name is quite off-putting, but it's great to see Nim 
available in one of the code practicing websites. I've been wanting to add Nim 
to CodeWars, reference issue here: 
 but I don't really feel like learning docker and fumbling around with bash 

Promoting Nim via Exercism

2016-11-12 Thread clementi
Hey everyone,

Want a great way to promote Nim? There's a 
[track]( on 
[Exercism]( for coding exercises in 
Nim. The track has only 13 problems in it right now, but [there are over a 
that are possible. Anyone can [implement existing exercises or contribute new 
exercises]( via 