Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper
Dom, I think he told us that it is nearly impossible to order the book in his country. I think it is Ukraine.
Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper
As it happens, you can grab a printed version of [my book]( for half price using code `dotd121916`. (This expires in 7 hours though!). Perhaps this would be affordable enough?
Re: pixbuf_new_from_stock
Your tip was better than useful. Here is nimish code that worked (with some inessential validating code): var iconset = icon_factory_lookup_default("gtk-dialog-error") echo "iconset=",cast[int](iconset).toHex(8) if iconset==nil: quit("Bad Icon Id") var dmystyle = style_new() # contrary to some docs, style CANNOT be NULL var pixbuf = iconset.render_icon(dmystyle,TEXT_DIR_NONE, STATE_NORMAL,ICON_SIZE_DIALOG,nil,nil) echo "stock pixbuf=",cast[int](pixbuf).toHex(8)
Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper
> Than I don't understand how I can buy book from someone in this > forum. I don't know about the the legal issues about reselling digital books. I was more talking about giving it away for free as a gift, I don't think that for that case there are legal issues. Some months ago someone already gave away his book for free, but I think that was a paper version. And maybe there are some more people who have ordered a book but lost interest in Nim.
Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper
I thought that you're talking about book =) Than I don't understand how I can buy book from someone in this forum. I understand that I'll somehow send him money, than he'll send me book and remove it from his PC? I don't know about copyright in this sphere, when I buy book, I must sign/agree some license agreement?
Re: Aporia IDE unable to compile
> Well, it seems to be easy guessing the problem: He posted "E:New > folderbinnim.exe" and ""E:New'. OS er..." so the problem may be the space in > the path name for the nim.exe More like a backslash vs slash problem for me. Backslash is often used as escape character and needs to be written twice to work or simply replace with slash (Windows will happily accept both as path separator).
Re: pixbuf_new_from_stock
The link you gave is VERY helpful - many thanks. I had hoped the Gtk critical number was a code offset - ah well - just have to continue digging out GTK problems via diagnostic outputs. I have been programming decades in Java (and previously MSWIN) so am GTK-clueless Thanks for your assistance.