Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-08 Thread bpr
I like D quite a bit, and there's clearly been some convergent evolution (UFCS) 
with Nim. The D story with respect to memory management is still unfolding. As 
was already said, I think the language could have been designed to make GC 
easier, perhaps separating **ref** and **ptr** like Nim. Then it might not be 
in the current mess with the GC.

I like Nim the language more. I'd like it if Nim modules could be locally 
imported, like D ones, but I'm pretty sure Araq doesn't like that idea.

IMO, the main advantage of D vs Nim is that the language is already well past 
it's '1.0' release and has a larger community. It feels like a safer bet for 
many industrial users, though not as safe as any mainstream language. Nim is 
still more of a work in progress than D, 
 of the manual aren't implemented, the OO and async stories are unfolding, the 
community is tiny, and most discussion appears to happen on the IRC. It's still 
an 'early adopter' language.

Re: Tutorials and documentation for a nim project

2017-07-08 Thread mratsim
I've used Nim's Docgen to generate a tutorial + documentation.

End result is [here]( which I'm quite 
happy with for the time invested.

A few remarks to ease its use:

  * It would be nice to prepend the autogenerated "API" doc with rst tutorials. 
As a workaround, I include a .nim file [full of 
  * I cannot seem to display images this way.
  * [See source 
 doesn't work.
* It ignores `docSeeSrcUrl`. [Issue 
raised]( Even if I don't specify 
it does a wrong link.
* It seems non-trivial to link against a specific github commit
* The `edit` link links to a devel branch (hardcoded).

I used find+replace to fix "See source issues" but it would be nice if 

Re: Generic Pointer Question

2017-07-08 Thread Jehan
Something like the following should work (warning, untested code):

  Val* = object
mvSize*: csize  #*< size of the data item
mvData*: pointer#*< address of the data item

proc valToString*(v: Val): string =
  result = newString(v.mvSize)
  copyMem(addr result[0], v.mvData, v.mvSize)

Re: Generic Pointer Question

2017-07-08 Thread xomachine
The [NESM]( library may also give you a hint. 
It [de]serializes strings into|from structure you described. [Documentation 

So the code will be:

from nesm import serializable

  type Value = string # Actual memory representation of serialized string 
equals to your structure

... # The "datasource" value is a stream that provides bytes of your 
... # Lets assume it declared and configured over here (e.g. you may use 
newStringStream for string input)

let val = Value.deserialize(datasource)
echo val

The underlying implementation of the deserialize proc uses copyMem and is being 
generated at compile time.

Re: Generic Pointer Question

2017-07-08 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I guess I could add a NUL character to the end of the input strings, which 
> would allow me to cast to cstring on retrieval.

If you can add the '0' character with which C strings are generally terminated, 
then you do not need alloc() and copyMem(). Bytes sequences terminated with '0' 
looks like regular C strings, so you should be able to cast to a C string and 
assign to a regular Nim string like "var str: string = 
$cast[cstring](myByteData)". The $ converts from cstring to nim string. 

Re: Generic Pointer Question

2017-07-08 Thread Nimbecile
Hi Stefan, the database I connected to was populated using strings, so no NUL 
terminators. If I have control of database load, I guess I could add a NUL 
character to the end of the input strings, which would allow me to cast to 
cstring on retrieval.

Thank you for the was helpful! Now I need to learn about alloc() 
and copyMem(). 

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-08 Thread cblake
This recursion unpacking/unrolling trick that gcc does (at call-site if 
insulated by call via volatile function ptr, and always inside the recursive 
impl) is, in my experience, a rare compiler optimization, but maybe it will 
catch on. clang does _neither_. If you `objdump -D` the executable (or 
disassemble in `gdb`/etc.) you will see the single `callq` to Fibonacci at the 
entry with the full N and a pair of `callq` inside the impl. So with clang the 
full [1.618**n 
 happens. On my i7-6700K Linux with gcc-7.1.0&clang-4.0.1, I get a time ratio 
of about 15.3 to 1 (53.5s/3.5s).

For what it's worth, it's likely the compiler writer guys think of this as 
mostly a "remove a few funcalls here and there" type optimization..maybe use 
SSE/AVX/branch predictor a bit better, maybe save a little dynamic stack usage, 
etc. This doubly recursive Fibonacci approach just happens to be about as 
sensitive as possible to that particular optimization because it can save 
exponentially many funcalls.

Re: Arraymancer - A n-dimensional array / tensor library

2017-07-08 Thread mratsim
`get_data_ptr` is now public .

For now, I will add the neural network functionality directly in Arraymancer.

The directory structure will probably be:

  * src/arraymancer ==> core Tensor stuff
  * src/autograd ==> automatic gradient computation (i.e. 
[Nim-rmad]( ported to tensors)
  * src/neuralnet ==> neural net layers

This mirrors [PyTorch's 

I made this choice for the following reasons:

  * It's easier for me to keep track of one repo, refactor code, document and 
  * I'm focusing on deep learning
  * It's much easier to communicate about one single package (and attracts new 
people to Nim  ).
  * Data scientists are used to have deep learning in a single package (tensor 
+ neural net interface): Tensorflow, Torch/PyTorch, Nervana Neon, MxNet ...
  * Nim's `DeadCodeElim` will ensure that unused code will not be compiled.

If the tensor part (without the NN) get even 0.1% of Numpy popularity and 
people start using it in several packages that means:

  * It's a rich man problem!
  * We get new devs and input for scientific/numerical Nim.
  * We can reconsider splitting as we will know actual expectations.
  * We can even build a "scinim" community which drives all key scientific nim 

In the mean time I think it's best if I do what is easier for me and worry 
about how to scale later.

Re: Arraymancer - A n-dimensional array / tensor library

2017-07-08 Thread cmacmackin
I've been following this for a while on GitHub and I think it is a very 
impressive project. Nim would be a great language for scientific computing, but 
it needs to have the numerical libraries and this is an excellent first step in 
creating them.

A couple of questions. First, are you planning to add neural network 
functionality directly to Arraymancer? Surely that would be something better 
suited for a separate, specialised library? A second, more general, question I 
have is whether you'd consider making the 
 proc public. It would be nice to be able to integrate your tensors with 
wrappers for existing numerical software written in C and we'd need access to 
the raw data for that.

Re: Tutorials and documentation for a nim project

2017-07-08 Thread mratsim
@euant no worries !

@Araq I had to update to the latest devel. It didn`t work with my nim install 
from the middle of May.

I checked solutions that could be used to upload to Github Pages easily and was 
recommended [](

Workflow seems to be:

  * Have a directory of Markdown files
  * `couscous preview` to check rendering on local machine
  * `couscous deploy` to commit on `gh-pages`

Re: Generic Pointer Question

2017-07-08 Thread Stefan_Salewski
What do you desire as the result?

When it is a Nim string, then you could create a new Nim String 
(newString(size)) of at least the desired size, and fill in the characters. To 
access the source characters, you may temporary cast your data to a cstring and 
access the cstring with the [] operator.

But is you want a plain C string with 0 termination -- well that is what we may 
get from the OS, you should not desire that. Otherwise you may need something 
like alloc() to allocate untraced memory.

If you think copying characters one by one is too slow -- something like low 
level copyMem() may be possible also, ask again...

Generic Pointer Question

2017-07-08 Thread Nimbecile
I'm testing the LMDB package and I'm stuck. When I retrieve key/value pairs 
they are saved to MDB_val structures:

  Val* = object
mvSize*: csize  #*< size of the data item
mvData*: pointer#*< address of the data item

I tried casting the generic pointer (mvData) to a cstring, but the data is not 
zero terminated so I get garbage attached. Knowing the starting address and 
number of bytes, what is the best way to capture the data (which is a string in 
my instance)? Thanks! 

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-08 Thread oyster
I am using mingw64/clang64 in Msys2. But I found that the exe file build by 
clang runs very slower than exe by gcc.

The nim is a fresh build from github source yesterday 

$ nim
Nim Compiler Version 0.17.1 (2017-07-07) [Windows: amd64]
Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Andreas Rumpf

for the mentioned nim file (a.nim) 

proc fibonacci(n: int): float =
  if n < 2:
result = float(n)
result = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

echo fibonacci(50)

first, for cc = gcc in nim.cfg 

$ gcc --version
gcc.exe (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 6.2.0
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

$ nim c -d:release --out:a_gcc.exe a.nim

$ du -b ./a_gcc.exe
457546  ./a_gcc.exe

$ time ./a_gcc.exe

sys 0m0.015s

Then use cc = clang in nim.cfg 

$ clang --version
clang version 3.9.1 (tags/RELEASE_391/final)
Target: x86_64-w64-windows-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: E:\msys64\mingw64\bin

$ nim c -d:release --out:a_clang.exe a.nim

$ du -b ./a_clang.exe
423480  ./a_clang.exe

$ time ./a_clang.exe

sys 0m0.015s