Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread LeuGim
Using exponentiation just for interlacing 1, -1, 1, -1, ... is pointless (apart 
from mathematical formulas on paper) and should not be done, so no matter if 
some compiler optimizes it.

Re: Nim in Action is now officially in print!

2017-08-14 Thread adamss3
My copy just arrived today. Will start to read it later today.

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread wiffel
@zolern : I'm wondering too why the original nim version is that slow.

Using the windows version of nim on my computer (i7-6650, 3.60GHz, Windows 10 
Pro 64-bit) is already faster at running my version of the program (see below) 
then running it under _windows/bash/ubuntu_ (what I did before). The same is 
true for the _Julia_ version.

Using _clang_ instead of _gcc_ makes it almost 3x faster. Since _Julia_ is 
using _LLVM_, probably the _clang_ version uses the same (faster?) library 
functions. I'm not sure ...

**clang version on windows/mingw**: 

nim c -r -d:release --cc:clang pi.nim
Elapsed time: 2.055
Pi: 3.141592663589326

**gcc version on windows/mingw**: 

nim c -r -d:release pi.nim
Elapsed time: 5.909
Pi: 3.141592663589326


import times, math

proc `/`(a, b: int): float =
  float(a) / float(b)

proc leibniz(terms: int): float =
  for i in 0 .. terms:
result += ((-1)^i) / (2*i+1)
  result *= 4.0

  t0 = cpuTime()
  pi = leibniz(100_000_000)
  tt = cpuTime() - t0
echo("Elapsed time: ", tt)
echo("Pi: ", pi)

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread zolern
I am still confused that Nim's pow is so unexpectedly slow: Nim just calls C 
library function pow from , wtf?

Anyway, last edition (without pow) is just fast & furious  And Nim is awesome, 
no doubt!

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread alfrednewman
Our **lovely Nim** is outstanding !

Re: Nim in Action is now officially in print!

2017-08-14 Thread Krux02
Well as I found out, my Book is on the way, too. Yay. Well you did not get my 
feedback during the development of the Book, but I think you will get my 
feedback when I read it. Then you can use it for revision 1 

Re: Practice code.

2017-08-14 Thread Krux02
Write a game 

Re: Nim in Action is now officially in print!

2017-08-14 Thread zolern
Wow, final "ready for print" edition is pretty awesome. Great work!

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread zolern
I am pretty sure that Julias's POW takes care that first argument is -1 and 
optimized it with something like MOD  You can check it, I suppose that modified 
Julia code with MOD will take pretty same time as code with POW.

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread alfrednewman
@zolern, thank you. Your code rocks.

However, we are cheating Julia because in her code there is a **POW** instead 

I will modify / rerun the .jl script just to check the result.

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread zolern
Well, my 10 cents 

import times, math

proc leibniz(terms: int): float =
   var res = 0.0
   for n in 0..terms:
  res = res + (if n mod 2 == 0: 1.0 else: -1.0) / float(2 * n + 1)
   return 4*res

let t0 = cpuTime()
let t1 = cpuTime()
echo "Elapsed time: ", $(t1 - t0)

  * With -d:release compile option: 0.381 seconds
  * Without -d:release: 2.711 seconds

Original "pow" version:

  * With -d:release: 7.253 seconds
  * Withoud -d:release: 10.697 seconds

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread nvill
Julia compiles with `-march=native` by default so try passing 
`--passC:"-march=native"` to Nim. I have this in my `~/.config/nim.cfg` along 
with `--passC:"-flto"` (for release mode).

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread Tiberium
It seems that Julia JIT is aware of SSE extensions and it uses them. GCC or 
MSVC should be emitting them too, but it depends on C code

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread alfrednewman
Thank you all.

@wiffel/Nibbler, in my Julia test, I was using Pro version 0.6.1 64 bit running 
on Windows 10.

Now, running the same .jl code on a Windows 8 64 bit (i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz, 
3193 Mhz, 2 Cores, 4 Processors) I got the following:

2.763225 seconds (1.77 k allocations: 95.291 KiB)
Pi: 3.141592663589326

After JIT compilation: 

1.863196 seconds (1.69 k allocations: 88.809 KiB)
Pi: 3.141592663589326

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread Nibbler
I compiled the same approximate version to C with gcc optimisations on, and 
found the execution time to be roughly comparable between Nim and C. Could 
Julia's JIT be doing some sort of optimisation that shortcuts the full code 

With the Nim version:

import times, math

proc leibniz(terms: int): float =
var res = 0.0
for n in 0..terms:
res += pow(-1.0,float(n))/(2.0*float(n)+1.0)
return 4*res

let t0 = cpuTime()
let t1 = cpuTime()
echo "Elapsed time: ", $(t1 - t0)

I got these output times:

C:projectsNim>nim_version 3.141592663589326 Elapsed time: 6.541

C:projectsNim>nim_version 3.141592663589326 Elapsed time: 6.676

C:projectsNim>nim_version 3.141592663589326 Elapsed time: 6.594

While with the same C version:


double leibniz(int terms) {
double res = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < terms; ++i) {
res += pow(-1.0, (double)i) / (2.0 * (double)i + 1.0);
return 4*res;

int main() {
clock_t start = clock();
double x = leibniz(1);
printf("%.15f\n", x);
printf("Time elapsed: %f\n", ((double)clock() - start) / 

The times taken were (EDIT: used -Ofast instead and got faster times):

C:projectsc>c_version 3.141592643589326 Time elapsed: 6.206000

C:projectsc>c_version 3.141592643589326 Time elapsed: 6.204000

C:projectsc>c_version 3.141592643589326 Time elapsed: 6.217000

I realise I actually got a slightly different decimal number with C, but to be 
honest I am not a C programmer so I am sure I did something wrong in the 

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread wiffel

I tried to replicate your test. On my computer the following (slightly modified 
version) of the _nim_ program and the _julia_ program have the same runtime.

Whatever I do, I fail to run the _julia_ version in less than 2 seconds (as you 
had). Are you sure that test went OK?

import times, math

proc `/`(a, b: int): float =
  float(a) / float(b)

proc leibniz(terms: int): float =
  for i in 0..terms:
result += (-1)^i / (2*i+1)
  result *= 4.0

  t0 = cpuTime()
  pi = leibniz(100_000_000)
  tt = cpuTime() - t0
echo("Elapsed time: ", tt)
echo("Pi: ", pi)


>> nim c -d:release pi.nim
>> time ./pi
Elapsed time: 5.671875
Pi: 3.141592663589326

sys 0m0.000s


function leibniz(terms)
  res = 0.0
  for i in 0:terms
res += (-1.0)^i/(2.0*i+1.0)
  return res * 4.0

println("Pi: ", @time leibniz(100_000_000))


>> time julia pi.jl
  5.770856 seconds (4.48 k allocations: 226.962 KB)
Pi: 3.141592663589326

sys 0m0.234s

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread LeuGim
At least so: `res += float([1,-1][n mod 2])/(2.0*float(n)+1.0)`.

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread andrea
That call to `pow` to change sign may be a possible reason of slowdown. 

Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread alfrednewman

How can I optimize the speed of the following proc:

import times, math

proc leibniz(terms: int): float =
var res = 0.0
for n in 0..terms:
res += pow(-1.0,float(n))/(2.0*float(n)+1.0)
return 4*res

let t0 = cpuTime()
let t1 = cpuTime()
echo "Elapsed time: ", $(t1 - t0)

I have the following result in my computer: 3.141592663589326 Elapsed time: 8.23

This result is almost 5x faster than my CPython counter party, but on the other 
hand it is around 6x slower than Julia, given the following code: 

function leibniz(terms)
  res = 0.0
  for i in 0:terms
res += (-1.0)^i/(2.0*i+1.0)
  return res *= 4.0

println("Pi: ", @time leibniz(100_000_000))

1.374829 seconds (1.72 k allocations: 90.561 KiB) Pi: 3.141592663589326

Re: Nim in Action is now officially in print!

2017-08-14 Thread alfrednewman
Great Job !! Mine is on the way !

All the best.