Re: unique index

2018-03-22 Thread Dippo
@mashigan & @miran Ty guys, you both point me to tables and i also thought that 
tables would solve my problem. I thought that tableref would reference the 
content like record number. But it reference the whole table. The point is that 
i want to prevent to walk through the whole table to see if a value exists. But 
i think that there is no other option.

But now i am thinking/talking about it, i suddenly have a idea what would solve 
this. Because i know what the key's are before compilation.

Thanks guys.

Re: Error: module names need to be unique per Nimble package;

2018-03-22 Thread domogled
thank very match.

I think, that correct path is

touch src/moje/a/a.nimble
touch src/moje/b/b.nimble

It works.

Re: Is there any way to create template with await?

2018-03-22 Thread dom96
Yes, you can do this:

template withDb(body: untyped) =
   let dbFut = open(...)
   yield dbFut
   let db =
   defer: close(db)

Re: Error: module names need to be unique per Nimble package;

2018-03-22 Thread dom96
The compiler uses a .nimble file in a similar way as Python uses the files. To fix your issue you can just:

touch src/moje/a.nimble
touch src/moje/b.nimble

Should work then.

Re: unique index

2018-03-22 Thread miran
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, but to me this looks like a case where 
you would want to use [tables]( instead 
of seq.

Re: unique index

2018-03-22 Thread mashingan
But maybe wrapped to `TableRef` is better I guess instead of seq if you need to 
have unique key

Re: unique index

2018-03-22 Thread mashingan
implement proc `==` and `contains` for you specialized type

import sequtils

DataBuffer* = tuple
  key : string
  mytype  : string
  value   : string

proc `==`(a, b: DataBuffer): bool =
  a.key == b.key

proc contains[T: DataBuffer](d: T, dbuf: seq[T]): bool =
  for data in dbuf:
  if d == data:
  return true

# change proc to be different to work with generic add
proc dataAdd[T: DataBuffer](data: var seq[T], newdata: T): bool 
{.discardable.} =
  if newdata in data:
  data[data.find(newdata)] = newdata
  data.add newdata

var mydata = newSeq[DataBuffer]()


echo mydata # if expect only the last add to be visible ([a, int, 5])

With boolean return, you can know whether it replaced old value or add new to 
collections. You can just change the dataAdd to return DataBuffer so it will 
return old value that's be replaced or return a newly added value.

unique index

2018-03-22 Thread Dippo
Hi all,

I have a problem finding a solution for a problem (or perhaps i am looking the 
wrong direction). I want to check if a key is already set and if that is the 
case, overwrite it with the new value. Off course there is the possibility to 
walk through the whole sequence to see if a key exists, but is there a smarter 

I only have this code :

DataBuffer* = tuple
  key : string
  mytype  : string
  value   : string

var mydata = newSeq[DataBuffer]()


echo mydata # if expect only the last add to be visible ([a, int, 5])

Re: How to cross-compile a Nim executable for Android

2018-03-22 Thread yglukhov
@alexsad, take a look at 

Re: Arbitrary Precision Integer Math Operators

2018-03-22 Thread jzakiya
OK, so core Nim doesn't have an arbitrary precision math capability. Is it 
something planned for in the roadmap to 1.0?

Re: How to cross-compile a Nim executable for Android

2018-03-22 Thread alexsad
thanks a lot mashingan! It is working!

Now I am going to implement JNI to call java classes(some SDK has been already 
developed in Java) for manage android application.

Error: module names need to be unique per Nimble package;

2018-03-22 Thread domogled
If I have two modules with the same name in differrent directory, I get compile 

**Error: module names need to be unique per Nimble package;**


├── moje.nimble
├── src
│   ├── moje
│   │   ├── a
│   │   │   └── x.nim
│   │   └── b
│   │   └── x.nim
│   ├── moje.nim
│   └── nimcache
│   ...

Why it is?


Re: Compiling nim/ui in linux

2018-03-22 Thread frogEye
Araq I checked again to see if that issue exist but now I am not able to 
replicate it. It happend when I was setting up my workspace in a new linux 
machine. Cant say for sure wt happened but it does work now.

Re: How to call a macro from a template with a constructed identifier argument?

2018-03-22 Thread Lando
@mratsim: The code needs two changes to work: 

import macros

macro defthing(name: untyped): untyped =
  # used this instead of parseStmt
  result = quote do:
let `name` = 1000

# Now things get really weird: added a dummy argument and things work as 
template calldefthing(name, t: untyped) =
  defthing `name Extra`

calldefthing(x, y)
echo $xExtra

Re: Arbitrary Precision Integer Math Operators

2018-03-22 Thread mratsim
At Status we require that for cryptographic work and we are developing and 
supporting the following:

  * nim-ttmath: 
 This wraps the [ttmath C++ bignum library]( This 
requires the [following patches]( to 
  * Mpint: 
[]( WIP, 
don't use it.

You can also check my own number theory repo: 
 which is just a reorganization of code I've used for Project Euler ([my repo 

Of note it will provide a template that replace all operations in a scope by 
modulo operation:

import number_theory

  let x = 10 + 50
  let y = x ^ 10
  echo y

Currently it does not work though, you get stack overflow because the 
+/-/mul/div within addmod, submod, etc are also replaced ...

Edit @lsrcd: Python is probably using libmpdec too: 

Re: How to call a macro from a template with a constructed identifier argument?

2018-03-22 Thread mratsim
Normally to do identifier construction of variable you need to use `{.inject.}`

However untyped macro will capture everything and you will have to deal with 
the inject pragma in your macro.

Instead forget about the template and do identifier construction directly in it.

import macros

static: echo "Target macro: "

  let xExtra = 1000

static: echo "#"

macro defthing(name: untyped): untyped =
  echo name.treerepr
  result = newStmtList()
  result.add nnkLetSection.newTree(
  newIdentNode($name & "Extra"),

defthing awesome

echo "xExtra is: " & $awesomeExtra

Now building on your example, if you want to match normal Nim syntax and macro 
calls. Here are 3 ways to do that from within macros and templates:

import macros

macro defthing(name: untyped): untyped =
  echo name.treerepr
  result = newStmtList()
  result.add nnkLetSection.newTree(
  newIdentNode($name & "Extra"),
  # 1. Extra stuff in macro v1
  template extraThing(): untyped =
echo "wow extra from template with normal Nim syntax"
  result.add getAST(extraThing())
  # 2. Extra stuff in macro v2"
  result.add quote do:
echo "yet more thing to do in macro with normal Nim syntax"

template yetyetAnother(name: untyped): untyped =
  # 3. Extra stuff in template
  echo xExtra * 1337


Re: Arbitrary Precision Integer Math Operators

2018-03-22 Thread lscrd
To add to Stephan's answer, I have tried both packages when solving puzzles 
from "Euler project":

  * "bigints" is pure Nim and has the best API in my opinion, but it is about 
twice slower than "bignum" and has some issues (see comments in source); it is 
still a work in progress.
  * "bignum" uses the "gmp" wrapper and frequently uses types as "clong" in its 
API which I don't like. But it works fine with good performance.

Curiously, I have found Python (using "pypy" interpreter) to be more performing 
when dealing with long integers than Nim with "bignum" (for instance when doing 
Rabbin-Miller primality tests). So, it seems there is still room for some 

Re: Passing data prom one thread to another

2018-03-22 Thread zolern
It is not Nim specific problem, you know, it is in general GUI "problem".

In my practice the best way to send some data (and when I say "data" I mean 
"more than DWORD value") to UI is to save that data in some temporary container 
and use "message to ui" just to say "Hi, here is some data for you" and when 
appropriate handler received and processed this message it can pull original 
data from container.

Re: Arbitrary Precision Integer Math Operators

2018-03-22 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Are the nimble packages bignum and bigints not good enough for you?

I think one is a wrapper, the other is pure Nim from smart Mr. Felsing.

Arbitrary Precision Integer Math Operators

2018-03-22 Thread jzakiya
I have Ruby/Crystal code that uses arbitrary precision integer numbers (really 
BIG numbers). Looking at Nim's math libraries they don't appear to be arbitrary 


I need at least the following operators:


modinv(a,b) -> (a^-1) base b -> a*(a^-1) mod b = 1

modpow(a,e,b) -> a^e mod b

intsqrt(a) -> a ^(1/2)

introotn(a,n) -> a^(1/n)

All the algorithms are fairly simple (a few lines of code), but does Nim use 
arbitrary math lib? 

Passing data prom one thread to another

2018-03-22 Thread adamlevine
Passing data prom one thread to another

Hi, I have created a process that's runing a thread that open some windows 
form, now i want that other running threads from the same process will be able 
to pass data to this windows form or even close it or reopen it.

The Windows form GUI is always in use of the end users so i cant lock. what is 
the best way to implement it in c# ? i would like a short example, thanks.

Re: How to call a macro from a template with a constructed identifier argument?

2018-03-22 Thread rpowers
Yes, that compiles, but the macro produces the code

let x = 1000

instead of the code

let xExtra = 1000

I'm trying to get the identifier to be constructed before passing it into the 
macro, but I'm not sure if that's possible.