Re: Loop backward through array -- howto do it brachless

2018-10-05 Thread miran
To mitigate negative numbers you need to add the length of the array:

`i = ((i - 1) + 4) mod 4`

leaving you with:

`i = (i + 3) mod 4`

Re: Compiled with 0.18, not with 0.19

2018-10-05 Thread donallen
I wasn't being critical of your answer; please understand that. You were giving 
me the reason why I was having the experience I was, which was helpful. Perhaps 
I could have said it better, but my response was intended to convey that I feel 
this is a design error, an inconsistency in the language, a special case, that 
users have to remember. To me, the best languages are the ones with the fewest 
special cases. My canonical example is Scheme. I wish there were something 
statically typed that was as good.

Re: Loop backward through array -- howto do it brachless

2018-10-05 Thread cblake
`for i in 1..12: echo -i and 3 `


Loop backward through array -- howto do it brachless

2018-10-05 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Assume we have an array with index 0 to 3, we want to print elements in a never 
ending loop. Start index is i. Looping forward is of course

i = (i + 1) mod 4
#print element[i]


I have no idea to do it branchless in backward order currently, this is wrong 
of course:

i = (i - 1) mod 4
#print element[i]


Should be easy I guess, but no idea currently :-(

Re: Drop RST and join the Markdown train?

2018-10-05 Thread Libman
Markdown and 

Re: Compiled with 0.18, not with 0.19

2018-10-05 Thread LeuGim
> If one can assign 0 to an int8 variable, then I would argue that one should 
> be able to assign (0,"foo") to a (int8, string) variable.

I consider too, it would be more intuitive and is something one can expect. My 
answer was only about documentation being consistent with current compiler 

Re: Compiled with 0.18, not with 0.19

2018-10-05 Thread donallen
> Because compiler doesn't treat it as a separate value, instead checks type 
> compatibility for the whole l-> value and r-value, i.e. of the type of the 
> variable (result) and the type of the value you assign to it, two > tuples.

I understand that the compiler is doing the conversion in one case and not the 
other. That's obvious. What I question is whether it should be. If one can 
assign 0 to an int8 variable, then I would argue that one should be able to 
assign (0,"foo") to a (int8, string) variable.

> For me it doesn't work with 0.18 either

I just checked and you are right. The only thing that I can think of is that I 
have not been using Nim for the project I am working on and have only 
experimented with it sporadically. I may have changed the routine in question 
and then, without compiling it, went off to something else. While that's not 
consistent with how I usually work, it's the only explanation I can think of, 
because I know for certain that _a_ version of that file did compile with 0.18. 
I _thought_ it was this version, but apparently not. In any case, my mistake. 

Re: Drop RST and join the Markdown train?

2018-10-05 Thread geezer9
A few comments and questions from a newby.

I started my project's documentation using markdown with pandoc. I couldn't get 
any of the TOC options I found to work correctly, so I had to write my own TOC 

Then I noticed that nim supported rst with its doc and rst2html commands, so I 
painfully switched my doc files to that. At least that has a nice TOC generator 
- once you guess at the required directive. Since my main module html file as 
produced by doc needs to hyperlink to sections in another hand-written "user 
guide" file, I had to hack the rst notation and write an html modifier to 
translate section headings into the mangled labels produced by the nim command 

So I have these questions:

  * How soon could an alternate docgen be available to produce nim module 
  * Is that even likely?
  * Would this docgen reliably generate a TOC for nim modules?
  * Would this docgen generate (and use) an index file for easy hyperlink 
creation? I.e. like the --index:on feature currently in nim.

Re: runnableExample considered harmful / good feature to deprecate before 1.0?

2018-10-05 Thread juancarlospaco
The problem is one thing is what you write here as Design in Theory, and other 
different is what happens in Practice in real life.

Python also has this "Code on Comments", almost all IDE wont give you the 
features (highlight, lint, etc) on the code portion of the comments, basically 
they visually seen as flat comment inside IDE, even if in theory sounds like a 
great idea, in practice no one uses it, outside Python enthusiasts of it, Ive 
tried to used it, in the long run they always gets deleted, because "Pollutes 
the Comments/DocStrings".

I think adding 1 line at bottom of the code with an `include examples` pointing 
to all the `runnableExamples` is tons more clean visually. You wont need to put 
the `runnableExample` inside the body of the `proc`.

So basically you are killing the feature, making it useless in real life, I 
think worth having since you are not Forced to use it anyways.

Re: Compiled with 0.18, not with 0.19

2018-10-05 Thread LeuGim
> Changing it to 0'i8 fixes the problem (it's surprising to me that the type 
> suffixes are different from the types they denote).

You can imitate it by `0.int8`, it's compile-time converted.

> So that leaves me with the question of why the 0 literal as the first element 
> of the tuple was not converted to int8?

Because compiler doesn't treat it as a separate value, instead checks type 
compatibility for the whole l-value and r-value, i.e. of the type of the 
variable (`result`) and the type of the value you assign to it, two tuples.

The manual has an excelent section on [type 
relations]( Shortly:

 requires types be implicitly convertible (and missing there, equal types are 
assignment-compatible of coarse too). 
 says about number conversions, nothing about tuples. So, by the manual, they 
should not be implicitly converted. Even not explicitly (the next code block). 

Re: Drop RST and join the Markdown train?

2018-10-05 Thread enormandeau
Another voice for Markdown on the forum.

Re: Drop RST and join the Markdown train?

2018-10-05 Thread arnetheduck
[]( is a great document to 
explore what people have managed to do with markdown.

Likewise, it's hard to say bad things about how the rust documentation turns 
out in practice: 
 \- it's all markdown-based, checked by the compiler, directly runnable in the 
browser etc etc.

Re: Compiled with 0.18, not with 0.19

2018-10-05 Thread donallen
@LeuGim Thanks -- you got me focused on the first element of the tuple when I 
thought the issue was the second (the compiler message is ambiguous, since both 
types are different in the 'got' and 'expected' parts of the message).

I checked the language manual and the section on "Numerical constants" says 
"Literals without a type suffix are of an integer type, unless the literal 
contains a dot or E|e in which case it is of type float.". So the 0 I wrote is 
of type 'int'. Changing it to 0'i8 fixes the problem (it's surprising to me 
that the type suffixes are different from the types they denote). But changing 
this to

let zero:int8 = 0
return (zero, @[])


also works (compiles without error). Which led me to the manual section on 
Pre-defined integer types:


This says that only widening conversions are implicit (and then in the 
immediately following table of examples, it says that

myInt16 + 34 # of type ``int16``


; I don't understand this; 34 is of type int, which is wider than int16, so why 
isn't the type of this expression int?)

But it then goes on to say that narrowing conversions are 'implicit' under 
certain circumstances, which are met by my case, as demonstrated by the 
assignment of 0 to zero (which narrows an int to an int8). So that leaves me 
with the question of why the 0 literal as the first element of the tuple was 
not converted to int8? As was apparently the case with the previous version of 
the compiler?

Re: runnableExample considered harmful / good feature to deprecate before 1.0?

2018-10-05 Thread kaushalmodi
I like the runnableExamples. It's a great feature that probably no other 
language has.

> I wish Araq had chosen markdown instead RST, but that ship has sailed.

I so wish that Markdown was picked instead too. RST is crazily limitations like 
not allowing nesting of bold inside italics and such.

The Pandoc Markdown flavor is very mature and allows all kinds of structural 

Re: Drop RST and join the Markdown train?

2018-10-05 Thread kaushalmodi
Supporting admonitions is easy. Pandoc style Markdown classes can do that. I 
also believe that's being added to the CommonMark spec. 

Re: Overloading string representation for objects

2018-10-05 Thread enormandeau
Works perfectly, thanks.

I had the impression I had tried exactly that but I must have made a mistake 

Re: runnableExample considered harmful / good feature to deprecate before 1.0?

2018-10-05 Thread gemath
> 3\. The big difference between RST and Markdown is that the former is 
> structured

If markdown is transformed into clean HTML5 with presentation aspects separated 
out into a style sheet, the HTML DOM might even be structured enough for 
documentation processing purposes. 

Re: runnableExample considered harmful / good feature to deprecate before 1.0?

2018-10-05 Thread gemath
`runnableExample` is a bad idea and should die, here's why:

1\. It breaks separation of concerns. Code defines what a program does, comment 
gives information about that code. Two different concerns. Blurring the line by 
placing sample code for documentation purposes outside of a block comment and 
inside the actual code is therefore bad. It confuses people who are used to SOC 
and puts the compiler in a strange position: there's a standard lib proc which 
the compiler is supposed to ignore, but another entity (the doc generator) 
knows about. This makes `runnableExample` a unique case AFAIK, have fun 
explaining this to other tools / IDE code instrumentation.

2\. Comment has a higher semantic level than code, it is meta-information ABOUT 
code. Tools for a lower semantic level like the compiler should have to know as 
little as possible about higher semantic levels. Good old "ignore stuff that 
looks like a comment, everything else is for you" is a simple and proven rule 
for a compiler. We had "magical comments" that actually influence the 
compilation process in older languages, but this flaming nonsense with wings 
from hell has been abandoned in favor of annotations, Nim pragmas etc. for good 

3\. Nobody else does that. All other modern languages I know of keep sample 
code inside block comments. There may be other reasons for that than those 
given in this post.

Re: Drop RST and join the Markdown train?

2018-10-05 Thread gemath
With something like 
 class/id and other attributes could be defined for text entities. This could 
provide everything from formatting (e.g. admonitions) to functional annotations 
(like test compilation of example code in comments). The latter could also be 
achieved with fenced code blocks from Github Flavored Markup: the standard only 
uses the first word after the ``` for language detection, the rest of the 
string is permitted but unused and could be used for code block annotations.