Re: Reading a file line by line at compile time

2019-08-09 Thread gemath
Like this:

import strutils

macro r: untyped =
  for l in "input".slurp.splitLines:
# process a line
echo l



Reading a file line by line at compile time

2019-08-09 Thread jyapayne
Is there a way to read a file line by line at compile time?

My use case is that I want to process an input file and produce Nim code via 
macros, but have no trace of the input file in the resulting binary. Basically, 
I just want to iterate over the lines and throw them away after the VM has read 

Re: How to add a symbol to represent the infinity (∞)

2019-08-09 Thread LeuGim
@cblake \- thank you for commenting! I didn't like that exactness for `inf(0)` 
too, but wanted to respond with that before this thread gets into oblivion. I 
put there a new version, which is 
and more in line with your considerations. I'll take a look at Riemann Sphere 
when I'll get some time, sounds as smth interesting. :)

Server-sent events in Jester

2019-08-09 Thread konradmb
I'm trying to do [server-sent 
 in Jester.

What I have now is this: 

router index:
  get "/time":
let data =
  "retry: 3000\n" &
  "data: {time: \'" & getClockStr() & "\'} \n\n"
resp(data, "text/event-stream")


It's working because browser is reconnecting every 3 seconds and getting new 
But in principle, the server is supposed to keep the existing connection open 
and send more data through it.  

I've found some code that does exactly what I want in 
 but the `response` is undeclared in this context. 

# get "/live":
#   await response.sendHeaders()
#   for i in 0 .. 10:
# await response.send("The number is: " & $i & "")
# await sleepAsync(1000)
#   response.client.close()


Is there any way to get `response` object inside `route`? Or is there another 

[RFC] Project Picasso - A multithreading runtime for Nim

2019-08-09 Thread mratsim
> _" Good artists borrow, great artists steal." \-- Pablo Picasso_

I have put together a document that lay out the various blocks needed for an 
efficient multithreading runtime. You can have a (long) read here: 

Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-09 Thread Neil_H
Probably because there is not a windows version :-) 

Re: How to add a symbol to represent the infinity (∞)

2019-08-09 Thread cblake
@LeuGim \- nicely done & interesting approach!

I'm not sure I would have embued `inf(0)|Infinite(0)` with as precise semantics 
in your `for 3 .. inf(0): ...` construction. Infinity is more a process than a 
number. For `∞ - ∞ ~ inf(0)` to act like zero the two limiting processes have 
to precisely cancel out. In some abstract sense, that's much less { infinitely 
less? :-) } likely than being lopsided and the result being more like either 
`-∞` or `+∞`. Without more context there's not enough to know which (or zero). 
So, being undefined is probably a better choice.

Also, for triple bonus extra credit along these lines you could try to do the 
point at infinity in the complex plane/Riemann sphere. ;-) { 

Re: Using a generic type in 'raises' pragma's argument

2019-08-09 Thread thenjip
Thanks for the reply.

> For now just drop the {.raises.} annotation, the compiler can compute this on 
> its own.

Yes, it works indeed, thanks a lot.

I originally intended to make a lazy version of raiseException like this: 

import std/sugar

proc raiseException* [E: CatchableError](e: () -> ref E; R: typedesc): 
(proc (): R {.raises: [E].}) =
  () => raise e()


But then I ran into the same problem.

It is OK though, I can work around it.