NaN tagging in Nim?

2019-11-17 Thread drkameleon
Are there any existing implementation of NaN tagging in Nim?

(I'm about to do it myself - or at least experiment with to see if there are 
any performance benefits - but having sth for reference wouldn't be bad at all 

Re: Differences between simple assignment, shallowCopy and deepCopy

2019-11-17 Thread drkameleon
Thanks a lot. Very thorough explanation!

Binary resulting much larger with --opt:size?

2019-11-17 Thread drkameleon
I've just noticed sth very weird.

I have 2 different tasks in my _nimble_ file. One builds the project with 
\--opt:size and one with \--opt:speed. The thing is the resulting binary with 
the first option is over 900KB, while with \--opt:speed it get down to 
600-sth(!). How is that possible?

Nim version: 1.0.3 [MacOSX: amd64] - Compiled at 2019-11-09 (git hash: 

command options for 'mini' build:

nim c --gcc.options.speed="-O4 -Ofast -flto -march=native 
-fno-strict-aliasing -ffast-math -ldl" --gcc.options.linker="-flto -ldl" 
--clang.options.speed="-O4 -Ofast -flto -march=native -fno-strict-aliasing 
-ffast-math -ldl" --clang.options.linker="-flto -ldl" -d:release -d:mini 
-d:danger --passL:parser.a --threads:on --hints:off --opt:speed --gc:regions 
--path:src -o:arturo -f --nimcache:_cache --embedsrc --checks:off 
--overflowChecks:on src/main.nim


command options for 'full' (speed) build:

nim c --gcc.options.speed="-O4 -Ofast -flto -march=native 
-fno-strict-aliasing -ffast-math -ldl" --gcc.options.linker="-flto -ldl" 
--clang.options.speed="-O4 -Ofast -flto -march=native -fno-strict-aliasing 
-ffast-math -ldl" --clang.options.linker="-flto -ldl" -d:release -d:danger 
--passL:parser.a --threads:on --hints:off --opt:speed --gc:regions --path:src 
-o:arturo -f --nimcache:_cache --embedsrc --checks:off --overflowChecks:on 


Any ideas?

Re: Web applications and pattern match

2019-11-17 Thread Vindaar
Good to hear! I couldn't find the source for the new version of the live demo 
though. In the markdown document it's still the old code as far as I can tell.

Yes, please just ask!

A simple web page with utf-8 html form

2019-11-17 Thread edu500ac
I wrote a very simple web application just to learn how to do the job. 
Basically, the web page present a few lines of the Iliad, and has a visitor 
book. In the previous version, the visitor book worked with ASCII characters 
only. However, I noticed that many people wanted to test the page with accented 
names, Russian, Chinese, etc. Therefore, I changed the application, in order to 
allow people to sign the visitor book using many different scripts. Besides 
Adiliya Ravgatovna Kotovskaya, I added Valentin Glushko and Sergey Korolev with 
their names in Cyrillic, Kalidasa in Sanskrit, and Qian Xuesen in Chinese. The 
person who is writing the tutorial is Vernon Sipple. He will add the changes to 
the tutorial in due time. The main change is due to Vindaar. In the mean time, 
please, visit the page again:


Re: Web applications and pattern match

2019-11-17 Thread edu500ac
Hi, Vindaar. I will use the solution you pointed out in the tutorial. By the 
way, if you visit the demo page, you will see that I already replaced the 
inicial version of the program with another one, which is based on the scanf. I 
also used the decode.Url procedure in order to test the utf-8 encoding.

I still have a few questions, where I will need your help again. 

Re: How to avoid recursive module dependency ?

2019-11-17 Thread kcvinu
@Stefan_Salewski, Thanks.

@juancarlospaco Let me try.

Re: How to avoid recursive module dependency ?

2019-11-17 Thread kcvinu
Thanks for the reply

Re: Jester memory usage keep rising using sqlite

2019-11-17 Thread me7
Thank you for your answer. I think that's because Nim does not free memory to 
OS. It's still ok for me that it's not memory leak

Inject into closures

2019-11-17 Thread foldl
Hi all,

I have submitted issue [#12625]( 
on GitHub on generating func-s (closures) with mapIt, where the code crashes 
nimvm or behaviors wrongly in runtime.

Further checking indicates that the root cause is that, {.inject.} variables 
(it in this case) are [not injected into 
but represented by a global variable.

I repost it here, and hope that it can be resolved in a fundamental/systematic 

A quick fix for mapIt(func ...) can be map((it) => func ...), :)

Re: Is this a compiler bug or I took mistake?

2019-11-17 Thread georgbekesy
Oh I see.

Thank you.

Re: Array vs tuple for procs returning multiple values of same type

2019-11-17 Thread FernandoTorres
Not sure if this helps, but here an example:

The Complex type (at the Standard Math/complex pure library) used to be a 
tuple, and was upgraded to a generic object. There are two possible 
representations of a complex number: rectangular and polar. The library and 
most functions are based on the Rectangular representation; however, there is a 
conversion to the Polar representation whose output is still a tuple:

proc polar[T](z: Complex[T]): tuple[r, phi: T]

proc rect[T](r, phi: T): Complex[T]


I believe that a generic Polar type should have been defined for consistency, 
to allow:

proc polar[T](z: Complex[T]): Polar[T]

proc rect[T](p: Polar[T]): Complex[T]


In such a way, Polar and Complex types can be used the same way.

Re: Compilation error after upgrade to 1.0.2 from 0.19

2019-11-17 Thread demotomohiro
According to your error message, it seems tokens[ITEM_NAME] is 
Option[system.string] type and you are trying to add it to seq[string] type 
result variable.

You might need to read this document and learn how to get a value from an 
Option type. 

Compilation error after upgrade to 1.0.2 from 0.19

2019-11-17 Thread axben
The following code used to compile in nim 0.19:

result = newSeq[string]()
  var tokens = 
  # Add to the list of list values


Now, I get the following error:

G:\src\nim\vim256\opts.nim(281, 19) Error: type mismatch: got 
but expected one of:
proc add[T](x: var seq[T]; y: openArray[T])
  first type mismatch at position: 2
  required type for y: openArray[T]
  but expression 'tokens[0]' is of type: Option[system.string]
proc add[T](x: var seq[T]; y: T)
  first type mismatch at position: 2
  required type for y: T
  but expression 'tokens[0]' is of type: Option[system.string]
9 other mismatching symbols have been suppressed; compile with 
--showAllMismatches:on to see them


As I have "been away" from nim for a relatively long period, I would appreciate 
some hint as how to remedy this...

Re: Can I "prune" directories with walkDirRect?

2019-11-17 Thread sschwarzer
I guess the link to the Python 2 version of the library was only by accident. 
If some new functionality in Nim should be modeled after Python, refer to the 
documentation for Python 3.

For most older libraries, there shouldn't be a big difference, but for newer 
libraries there may be, and even older modules might be improved in Python 3.

So, here's the link: 
 . Note that I used `/3/` in the URL, so you'll get the documentation for the 
most recent Python 3 version. If you select a specific version (e. g. 3.8) from 
the drop-down menu at the top of the page, you'll get the documenation as of 
this version. 

Re: How to avoid recursive module dependency ?

2019-11-17 Thread juancarlospaco
Put types on a dedicated file, `include` it. 

euwren – a high-level wrapper for the Wren scripting language with a user-friendly DSL

2019-11-17 Thread lqdev
Recently, I have been working on euwren, a high level wrapper for 

The idea behind euwren is to be _the king of Wren wrappers_ , one that uses a 
user-friendly DSL and that makes wrapping Nim procs a piece of cake. All you 
have to do is list the things you need in the VM, and voila! The VM is ready to 
execute some Nim code.

The wrapper is highly WIP, but the most essential things are ready to be used. 
You can find the wrapper [here](

Feel free to suggest any features you'd like to see, or any bugs you find. I'll 
be happy to take care of them.

How to avoid recursive module dependency ?

2019-11-17 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, I have a recursive module dependency. How to solve this ? Say, i have 
two modules like this. 

a_Type* = ref object
aVar* : b_Type


And in another file, 

b_Type* = ref object
bVar* : a_Type


How can i avoide recursive module dependency ? 

Re: How to avoid recursive module dependency ?

2019-11-17 Thread lqdev
When you have types that depend on each other, you must place them under one 
`type` section—there's no way of avoiding that.

Re: How to avoid recursive module dependency ?

2019-11-17 Thread Stefan_Salewski
See also


Re: Complex vs Rational implementations in the Standard Library

2019-11-17 Thread FernandoTorres
Congrats for 1.0 milestone. I'm glad to see that the Complex type is not a 
tuple any longer but an object and allows generics like the Rational type. That 
makes more sense now. Great job.

Re: Nim based Github Actions

2019-11-17 Thread jiro4989
I created GitHub Actions too. And I published it.



But my actions is very simple (no caching). I will improve my actions with your 
cache stuff.

Thank your knowledge.

Re: difference between ; and , as proc parameter separator

2019-11-17 Thread kaushalmodi
See the first 3 examples in 

`;` is used to explicitly break the type propagation. In most use cases though 
(when not using `using`), there's not much distinction between `;` and `,`.

Re: Problems with Emacs mode for Nim

2019-11-17 Thread Vindaar
Be that as it may, the fact remains that nim-mode is written in elisp. ;)

I don't even think these changes are hard at all, but I don't know my way 
around how to find the code responsible for those indentations without studying 
all of nim-mode first.

Re: ``Table.take`` should be ``Table.pop`` -- discuss

2019-11-17 Thread cblake
Ok. Just to close the loop on this thread I believe this accommodates all 
expressed views: 
 (except maybe one week pre-release implies backward compatibility forever view 
or the if one-table has a proc, all tables should have the proc view, but 
people didn't seem to comment on/care much about that aspect of this question).

Re: difference between ; and , as proc parameter separator

2019-11-17 Thread SolitudeSF
when you're listing multiple parameters under one type like this 

proc test(a, b: int)


if you're gonna use semicolon, the a parameter wont be an int. in current nim 
thats just useful when you're using the using statement 

  a: string

proc test(a, b: int) # a is int

proc test(a; b: int) # a is string


Re: Problems with Emacs mode for Nim

2019-11-17 Thread edu500ac
As far as I know, Vindaar, it is possible to program Emacs in any language 
through the Emacs Dynamic Mode. I believe that even in Nim. It is also possible 
to write extensions in neovim for any language, although the feature works 
better in the case of dynamic languages, such as Common Lisp, Haskell and 

Re: the "type" of the curly-bracket structure

2019-11-17 Thread cblake
What Nim calls the Table Constructor as dom96 has correctly pointed out, the 
lisp world has long called "association lists", often abbreviated "alist".

Since it is a macro you are writing, you could check that the kind of the 
NimNode is `nnkTableConstr` and if not emit a useful compile-time message for 
client code, as in something approximately like: 

import macros
macro `@@@`(x: untyped): untyped =
  if x.kind != nnkTableConstr:
error "triple-@ expects a {(,),(,)..} table constructor"
var a = @@@{"fromStruct": "blah", "sub": {"joe": 10}}
#var b = @@@[1,2,3]  #Errors out with above message.


Re: Cross Platform Python Package

2019-11-17 Thread mratsim
They have a wheel per platform and pip/conda select the correct one on install.

Re: Can I "prune" directories with walkDirRect?

2019-11-17 Thread cumulonimbus
The python os.walk is exceptionally convenient and supports such a use case - 
the iterator returns 3 components: "path", "dirs" and "files"; the user has to 
enumerate "files" (or dirs) themselves, and join themm to the "path" for the 
list of files, but can also ignore dirs or modify it - the iterator will only 
recurse into those still listed into dirs when re-called, so: if you ignore 
dirs, you get a standard recursion; if you empty it out, you get no recursion 
down from this path; and if you filter it, you get selective recursion. It has 
a few more bells and whistles that cover just about all use cases I've 

Worth adding to standard library, I think. 

Re: Accessing the terminating null byte in a string

2019-11-17 Thread mratsim
It's only there for no-copy interop with C libraries. If you want to access it 
you need to cast with `cast[ptr UncheckedArray[char]](s[0].unsafeAddr)`

Re: difference between ; and , as proc parameter separator

2019-11-17 Thread mratsim

difference between ; and , as proc parameter separator

2019-11-17 Thread adnan
> What's the underlying difference between this signature: proc max(a: int; b: 
> int): int = and this proc max(a: int, b: int): int =?

Accessing the terminating null byte in a string

2019-11-17 Thread adnan
As per "Nim in Action", strings are lists of char`s terminated by `'0' (page 
29). In the code below, how can I access that null byte?

let s = "Abcd"
echo s[s.len()] == '\0'
# Error: unhandled exception: index 4 not in 0 .. 3 [IndexError]


Re: Web applications and pattern match

2019-11-17 Thread Vindaar
So originally I wanted to write a up a nice example to do the replacements via 
the scanf macro:


by defining tuples of strings to match against and their replacements, but I 
hit a dead end, because an element of a const tuple doesn't count as a static 
string for the pattern.

Also scanf turned out to be more problematic than I thought, because the $* 
term does not like to match any string until the end.

But since your book is (at least partly) about Nim macros and writing macros is 
fun, I built the following even longer version of your code, haha. It also 
includes a custom matcher that matches anything until the end of the string.

# File: web.nim
import strutils, os, strscans, macros
let input = open("")

let form = """


echo "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
echo """

echo ""

proc rest(input: string; match: var string, start: int): int =
  ## matches until the end of the string
  match = input[start .. input.high]
  # result is either 1 (string is empty) or the number of found chars
  result = max(1, input.len - start)

macro match(args, line: typed): untyped =
  ## match the `args` via `scanf` in `line`. `args` must be a `[]` of
  ## `(scanf string matcher, replacement string)` tuples, where the latter
  ## has to include a single `$#` to indicate the position of the 
  ## The order of the `args` is important, since an if statement is built.
  let argImpl = args.getImpl
  expectKind argImpl, nnkBracket
  result = newStmtList()
  let matched = genSym(nskVar, "matched")
  result.add quote do:
var `matched`: string
  var ifStmt = nnkIfStmt.newTree()
  for el in argImpl:
expectKind el, nnkTupleConstr
let toMatch = el[0]
let toReplace = el[1]
let ifBody = nnkStmtList.newTree(nnkCall.newTree(ident"echo",
 nnkAsgn.newTree(matched, newLit("")))
let ifCond = nnkCall.newTree(ident"scanf", line, toMatch, matched)
ifStmt.add nnkElifBranch.newTree(ifCond, ifBody)
  result.add ifStmt
  echo result.repr

const h1title = ("# ${rest}", "$#")
const h2title = ("## ${rest}", "$#")
const elseLine = ("${rest}", "$#")
const replacements = [h1title, h2title, elseLine]
for line in input.lines:
  match(replacements, line)
  # produces:
  # var matched: string
  # if scanf("# ${rest}", line, matched):
  #   echo h1title[1] % matched
  # if scanf("## ${rest}", line, matched):
  #   echo h2title[1] % matched
  # if scanf("${rest}", line, matched):
  #   echo elseLine[1] % matched
echo form

let qs = getEnv("QUERY_STRING", "none").split({'+'}).join(" ")
if qs != "none" and qs.len > 0:
  let output = open("visitors.txt", fmAppend)
  write(output, qs&"\n")

let inputVisitors= open("visitors.txt")
for line in inputVisitors.lines:
  match(replacements, line)
echo ""


This is totally not practicle I'd say and one's better off writing something by 
hand or using the excellent 
[]( by @zevv.

Still fun though. And if someone wants to improve on this...

Finally, to just remove a prefix of a string, you may just use removePrefix 
from strutils:


Note that it only works inplace on string. You could use the new outplace 
