Recommended this cmd generate tags

2020-02-29 Thread angluca
I use vim, so often use ctags to generate tags, Easy to use editor code hints.

Recommend use this regex cmd 

ctags -R
--langdef=nim  --langmap=nim:.nim


use tags can easy to write nim code, Hope u like it, You can try 
[AcVim]( if u use vim :)

Re: AcVim recommended for programmers

2020-02-27 Thread angluca
Use AcVim can prompt nim libs function, template, macro name ... now

Easier to write nim code, Hope you like it :)

AcVim recommended for programmers

2020-02-23 Thread angluca
It's vimfiles and too small Easy to use, open and portable. Can complete nim 
and more language


I like nim language, So have update AcVim for nim language in the future. Happy 
coding every one :)

Nimble can't upgrade on osx

2017-02-14 Thread Angluca
System have .nimble at ~/ directory, But has error yet.

nimble v0.8.2 

> nimble upgrade
Error: Specified directory does not contain a .nimble file.

Re: Nimgame 2

2017-01-19 Thread Angluca
All cool! Thanks.

Re: Winim - Nim's Windows API and COM Library

2017-01-19 Thread Angluca
nice! Like sdk .

Re: Fast coding for nim (Full vim cfg)

2016-09-14 Thread Angluca
Has zah nim syntax in it.

Can remove **vimfiles\bundle\clang_master** when you use win edit c/c++, 
Because haven't clang in the win.

Fast coding for nim (Full vim cfg)

2016-09-13 Thread Angluca
If you are vimmer, You can test my cfg.

If you are a newer, You can test it, It's easy to use.

It has simple autocomplete for nim.

You can copy **vimfiles** and **_vimrc** to _C:\Users\'username'\_ when you use 

You can run **** install when you use linux/osx.

Of cause, You must install vim/gvim first.

[=== AcVim editor [fast_stable_v5] download 

Re: asyncftpclient: retrFile function can't use?

2016-09-04 Thread Angluca
I have modify new.

[Asyncftpclient:retrfile support 

Re: asyncftpclient: retrFile function can't use?

2016-09-04 Thread Angluca
@pyloor: Yeah, I use IIS ftp server test.

I haven't try other ftp server, So don't know can use it at them.

Re: asyncftpclient: retrFile function can't use?

2016-09-03 Thread Angluca
I fixed it.

[Fix use Asyncftpclient:retrfile 

Re: zeroMem can't use?

2016-08-29 Thread Angluca
Oh, Thanks, I think it like the same with c lang before, So use cast[array].

zeroMem can't use?

2016-08-28 Thread Angluca
win10, nim0.14.2 

# use alloc0
var inputs = cast[array[10,int]](alloc0(sizeof(int) * 10))
inputs[0] = 1
inputs[1] = 2
inputs[2] = 3
for i in 0..9:
  echo inputs[i]
echo repr inputs

var test = alloc0(10)
zeroMem(test, 10)
echo repr cast[array[10,char]](test)

[1, 2, 3, 6553000, 0, 6552640, 6553000, 1, 7607136, 1]

['P', '@', '\25', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\9', '\0']

Maybe I use the incorrect way?

Re: Nimrod.docset for Dash

2016-08-27 Thread Angluca
Good, Update please thanks.

Re: Debugging the compiler

2016-08-23 Thread Angluca
Cool, really hope nim have full debugging facility.

Re: Exit app has error when I import db_mysql and db_odbc together

2016-08-20 Thread Angluca
Yeah, Also error.

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2016-08-15 Thread Angluca
Maybe godot should use nim intead gdscript, Like nim!

Godot is a good game engine.

Re: db_odbc.nim some iterator has bug.

2016-08-15 Thread Angluca
Use odbc bind mssql database, Run db_odbc.nim's example.

var theDb = open("localhost", "nim", "nim", "test")
for x in theDb.fastRows(sql"select * from qqq"):
echo x

#qqq table
name | id |
你好   xxx

db_odbc.nim some iterator has bug.

2016-08-15 Thread Angluca
> win10, nim 0.14.2

Will crash when I use fastRows and instantRows iterator. 

echo buf, rowRes,":",cCnt, ";"
rowRes[colId-1] = $buf.cstring # line:341 db_odbc.nim


Traceback (most recent call last)
db_odbc.nim(342) temp
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)

Crash to rowRes is nil.

Re: Can't build asyncnet example on macosx

2016-08-14 Thread Angluca
Sorry, Don't care about details please.:)

This error maybe don't use global variables directly in proc can correct build 

Re: Can't build asyncnet example on macosx

2016-08-14 Thread Angluca
赞一下:), 谢谢了, 知道怎么不报错就行。

用callback只是想更细致的操作buf, 也只是试试先, 最近才研究nim的async和threadpool这块.

Re: Can't build asyncnet example on macosx

2016-08-14 Thread Angluca
好吧, 不错! 不过我就是用的官方例子改了下, 也是这个错误. (asyncnet.nim 最下面) 

var sock = newAsyncSocket()
var f = connect(sock, "", Port(6667))
f.callback =
  proc (future: Future[void]) =
echo("Connected in future!")
for i in 0 .. 50:
  var recvF = recv(sock, 10)
  recvF.callback =
proc (future: Future[string]) =
  echo("Read ",, ": ",

之前我发的例子不知道关闭线程检测能不能编译成功, 回去试试.

Can't build asyncnet example on macosx

2016-08-13 Thread Angluca

import asyncnet, asyncdispatch

var sock = newAsyncSocket()
proc onConnect(future: Future[void]) =
  echo("Connected in future!")
  for i in 0 .. 50:
var recvF = recv(sock, 10)
recvF.callback =
  proc (future: Future[string]) =
echo("Read ",, ": ",

var ft = connect(sock, "", Port(12345))
ft.callback = onConnect


client.nim(13, 3) Error: type mismatch: got (Future[system.void], proc 
(future: Future[system.void]){.locks: .})
but expected one of:
proc callback=(future: FutureBase; cb: proc ())
proc callback=[T](future: Future[T];
 cb: proc (future: Future[T]))

Must remove connect or recv line can build it. (v0.14.2).

it's (future: Future[void]) bug. 

Re: Going to Haxe. Nim In Action book available.

2016-08-13 Thread Angluca
Has friends use it before, But they are no use it now.

Re: Why can't build thread example on win?

2016-08-13 Thread Angluca
Oh thanks, I thought can correct build it when I use this command(cmd:...).