Nim version of Flask Web Framework
Hello, Flask seems to be a popular python web framework. I was wondering if there was something similar for nim. I know of jester and rosenkrantz, but I am looking for something a bit more "batteries included". Anyone working on anything like this?
Re: I have a super doubt
There is the book "Nim in Action". If you go to the nim home page and scroll down you will see.
Re: How to determine the type of an object
I feel honored receiving a reply from the maestro himself!
Re: How to determine the type of an object
Stefan, "is" is what I was looking for!. My use case is not very complicated as I'm just trying trying to learn by experimenting. The code was just an example. I have some ideas on a project I want to make using nim, for example a translator that converts a markup to groff code. The idea being to read the input and convert it to an AST, then traverse the AST, generating groff code based on the node type. However after experimenting a bit more, I think what I have in mind is best achieved by writing a variety of "generate" methods each accepting a different parameter type, and leveraging dynamic dispatch to let the compiler decide which "generate" proc to use, depending on which node type is passed to it. This way I could traverse the AST recursively, simply calling the same proc over and over. for example: method generate(element: H1) : string method generate(element: H2) : string method generate(element: UL) : string method generate(element: LI) : string method generate(element: P) : string All this to say, although "is" is what I had in mind when posting the question, I'm realizing I may not need it after all if I leverage methods :) yc
How to determine the type of an object
Hello, I'm sure this functionality exists, however having a real hard time finding the answer. How to you query the type of an object? >From what I've been trying, type() only seems to work for primitive types. I've also tried to find the answer in "Nim in Action". In my search I also found the module typetraits, however name() doesn't seem to work either. For example: import strutils, typetraits, unicode type Token = object of RootObj Integer = ref object of Token String = ref object of Token let d = Integer() let c = String() echo name(d) Run Gives: main.nim(17, 10) Error: type mismatch: got (Integer) but expected one of: proc name(t: typedesc): string exit status 1 Run
Re: Documentation in PDF (for no programmer)
Wow, great-write up!
Re: Screencast Series Ideas
How about some screencasts about how to work with objects. Nim's class-less way of "OOP" is quite different than most languages people may be familiar with. Even though Nim's syntax is "pythonesque", its model is quite different. For example I tried to follow []( which is in Ruby. I've tried to follow something similar written in Go, and I always get tripped up on "damn, this is all classes and objects, how to I do the same thing in Nim?".
Suggestion - link the nimble package directory on the main page menu?
I never knew this package directory existed... []( Mostly I been looking on github for code. Perhaps giving it a bit more exposure by linking it on the main landing page, alongside install, documentation, forum etc...?
Re: Lexers and parsers in nim
@cabhishek, I'm wondering if you could explain a couple things in your lox interpreter code. For example, sometimes you pass lexer as a var, sometimes not. proc peek(lex: var Lexer): char proc isAtEnd(lex: Lexer): bool Run Could you explain a little about this slight difference? I've been doing something similar for the Run lang, following: :// Run In the Lox resource, the author uses Java as the implementation lang. For Monkey the author uses Go - a classless lang like Nim. But in Go the author passes a pointer to the Lexer in order manipulate/modify state in the lexer. In your code I see Lexer is simply an object, not a ref object or a ptr. Does defining the parameter as proc(lex: var Lexer) behave similar to a pointer? This has the result of mutating state in the Lexer object? In other words, it's like passing by reference rather than by value? Another question, do you intend to experiment converting the Lox AST to Nim AST and as a result have it become a compiled language rather than an interpreted one?
Undeclared identifier even when .nim file is properly imported
Hi there, I'm wondering if you had managed to resolve this issue, as I'm running into the same problem.
Re: Lessons learned/idioms
hi there, I found []( to be very useful.
Re: Simple Web/DB CRUD Example
this is perfect, thank you!
Simple Web/DB CRUD Example
Hello, I would like to know if there are any basic web server/DB CRUD examples that I could follow?
Re: Working with Objects
Thanks so much for this...pointer Works like a charm now.
Working with Objects
Hi there, I'm working through the very excellent "Write an Interpreter in Go" ([]( I'm trying to follow the book but implementing in nim rather than Go, but running into a wall trying to translate Go into Nim. For example passing pointers to objects or returning pointers to objects. An example in Go /* A lexer */ type Lexer struct { input string position int readPosition int ch byte } /* Function to create a new lexer */ func New(input string) *Lexer { l := &Lexer{input: input} } Translating to nim I have: type TLexer = object input : string position : int readPosition : int ch: byte proc new(input : string) : TLexer = let l = new TLexer(input, 0, 0, 0) return l but I know I'm not doing this well. #1 Not sure how to create a Lexer object #2 Not sure how to return a pointer from a proc. Initially I tried defining the Lexer as type Lexer = ref object ... But that did not compile. I also tried defining the proc as proc New(input: string): ref Lexer = But also didn't compile. The nim way of working with objects is a bit new to me. I'm sure it's something very simple but not sure what is that little bit I'm nt getting.
Re: Flow Based Programming in Nim
Runvnc,this was a quite a detailed answer :) Ihave to thank you for taking the time for chiming in and providing all of these links. Seems I have quite a bit of reading to do. Thank very much,
Flow Based Programming in Nim
Hi there, I've been reading up on a programming model referred to as Flow-Based Programming (FBP). []( []( I'm wondering if any of you have implemented something like this in Nim? Central to FBP is the concept that **data** is to be seen as the primary "thing" in an application, This "thing" moves from one process to another, undergoing a constant series of transformations. Processes receive and send packets of information between each other. The sole purpose of a process is to transform the data it receives into another form, before sending it off to another process. A few other highlights: 1. A process has IN and OUT channels (kind of like a socket's receive and send) 2. Processes are connected together (ex: connect("ProcessA.OUT", "ProcessB.IN") to create a network of interconnected processes 3. Data (Information Packets) is received by the receiving process(es) in the order in which they were sent by the sending process 4. Once they have finished transforming the data they have received, a receiving process sits iddle until new data is sent to it. I could see model working well for making the jump from process diagrams into code implementation, almost having a 1:1 relationship. Well, especially in my line of work as a IT Biz Analyst where we do a lot of process diagrams. Mapping a process diagram to a process using this approach would seem trivial. The only thing is I'm not quite sure how to implement this in Nim (well, in any langauge in general). The author of "Flow Based Programming", Paul Morrison, pointed me to a couple of implementations of this approach: []( This approach has been implemented in Java, in C++, Javascript. He tells me implementation of this approach depends on the language being used supporting threads (which I know Nim does). But I have to admit I'm not strong enough a programmer to figure it out on my own. So if anyone is interested, and have a few ideas or pointers, I hope you don't mind chiming in! Regards,